My thoughts on the evolution of Splinterlands through six seasons

My thoughts on the evolution of Splinterlands through six seasons

Greetings, my lovely Splinterverse fellows.

I hope you are doing fantastic and having fun with the game every day. We are celebrating the 6th anniversary of the game, which is a great milestone for any game, whether traditional or Blockchain-based NFT games. Hundreds of blockchain games have been grounded and hundreds are suffering. Still, the excellent community of Splinterlands and the devoted developer team is really amazing in keeping the show moving. Hundreds of players have changed their lives with this game over the years and many have taken it as a profession that motivates the game and the community itself. The development team made a wise choice with their every step towards the plan, which includes a future endeavor to put certain mechanisms in place to benefit all the players throughout these years. The game will undoubtedly become more realistic and player-focused in the future roadmap.

I have been playing the game for the last three years and I am still very positive about the future of the game. I think the Splinterlands model is going to lead the blockchain gaming industry. In the last post, I discussed my entry into the beautiful gaming world and the difficulties or the risks I have faced, which you can read from this link, and also the tips for beginners which is available in this link. Today I am going to discuss the potential and opportunities of this NFT world of blockchain games and also try to give future aspects of Splinterlands in coming years. I hope it will be helpful for your future endeavors in the journey to the Splinterverse.
I have been in the world of crypto from early 2016 when I was a university student and just came to know about the new currency. Many rumors were there as the crypto market was so volatile and people of the third world country like Bangladesh were not ready at all to talk about such revolutionary technology. In 2021, I came to know about Splinterlands as blockchain games were at their peak hyped at that time. After almost 3 years, I'm still a huge Splinterlands fan, and I can't wait to enjoy the game's amazing anniversary with its amazing community.

I first learned about Splinterlands through a YouTube video showing epic card fights. I was interested in the monster's artwork, the variety of deck-building options, and the ownership of digital assets as NFT in my own account. I became more interested and looked into how the game worked and the innovative idea behind Play-to-Earn. It was too exciting to pass up the chance to earn prizes through games and strategy fights with the enjoyment of playing the game. Also the amazing artworks of the cards have made me more interested in the game.

Splinterlands is fun for more than just the thrill of winning battle. The method has many parts that reward people in different ways. I've used these chances to improve my experience and earn more to make it more profitable in the following ways:

  • Playing and Fighting: Every win brings you some Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) previously which is the game's money and now you can earn staked SPS (Splintershard) which is the main currency of the game now.
  • Tournament prizes: As you move up the competition events in the form of various tournaments, you'll unlock even better prizes if you are a great player. This will test your skills and force you to improve your tactics.
  • Renting and Lending: Not sure which card you need? You can borrow it on the rental market, and cardholders can make money without doing anything just by lending them for DEC.
  • Trading Cards and Assets: Splinterlands has a lively market where you can buy and sell cards and other in-game items such as totems, lands, card packs, and many more. This makes it possible to speculate and make investments and earn profit by trading these assets.
  • Staking SPS: You can earn extra benefits and help decide the future of Splinterlands by staking SPS, the game's governance token. At the current situation, the price is so cheap that it is a perfect time to invest here.
  • Validator Node License benefits: If you're really committed to the environment, getting a Validator Node license gives you access to a share of network benefits everyday.

The Future perspective
Splinterlands didn’t have a glorious past for the last 6 years only but also it is more intensely focused on the future roadmap. The team has released a plan that is packed full of cool new features as the follows and many more that is not included here.

  • Currently, we have already LAND expansion 1.5 which are allowing us harvesting Grains, mining SPS and research tokens. In the future, with LAND Expansion 2.0, you will be able to gather many more resources for trading, and crafting new assets. Also there will be more new cards crafting and personalized potions or spelles can make it mor interesting.
  • Housing and Player Avatars: You can make your in-game experience more unique by customizing your housing and making an image that shows off how you are enjoying the game.
  • Card Skins: Though we have already a limited card skins but there is more to come. Beautiful card skins can make your decks look better and add a little attractive style to your strategy.
  • Boss fights: In future boss fights, you can push yourself and get special prizes. They are also an exciting test of your deck-building skills and battle strategy.

We are on the verge of a new crypto bull run, so it's more important than ever to have a good plan for long-term success in Splinterlands. Know what's going on in the crypto market as a whole and how that might affect the value of things like cards, DEC, and SPS that you use in the game for renting, lending or buying or selling assets.
It is very important to figure out what Splinterlands is worth as a game according to your strategy and what it could become in the future. Think about the game's roadmap and prepare yourself accordingly from the previous impacts in the assets and the earning options like Play-to-Earn and other options.
In this regard my number one suggestion is- do not put all your eggs in one basket. Mix up your card collection by adding cards with different features and levels of difficulty to handle different fight situations. To reduce danger, take part in a variety of ways to make money that Splinterlands offer, grabs them all and don’t spare a single opportunity. For any kind of queries you can join community groups like Discord and read tips and strategies in Hiveblogs to learn from more experienced players, and check out the official Splinterlands blog and social media outlets to find out what's new come here.

In conclusion, I can say, Splinterlands has been more than just a game for me. It's been a great journey of think strategically to be an expert in dealing with the evolving strategies and the crashing market pressure. As we celebrate the sixth anniversary of the game, I can't wait to see what the future holds. Especially I want to thank the great community that I can not end this without mentioning the community of Splinterlands. From the helpful members who are willing to help newbies who are eager to learn, everyone has made Splinterlands a truly special place. People who play Splinterlands together enjoy Guild fights, lively forum talks, and the shared excitement of new releases. These are the things that make the game more than just a game.

I hope you find some of these thoughts and discussions my thoughts important before your journey to Splinterlands. And if you have any kinds of queries, you can ask me in the comments. I will try to answer at my level best. Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.

Have a great day!

And, If you want to be a proud member of the Splinterlands community and enjoy the magical world of hundreds of monsters and strategies for your battle where you will have the opportunity of amazing battles with some extraordinary monsters with amazing abilities that will uplift your online gaming experience to a new level. You can enter the Splinterverse through this link sign up to join Splinterlands


Thank you so much for your time and attention.
I will catch you at the next.

All the images are prepared by me from the Splinterlands resources.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It will be interesting to see what the next bull cycle brings for Splinterlands. I have been involved in the game since the beginning and I can't say I am happy with all the changes they have made over the years. I understand why they made some of them, but it still has really taken away from the earning potential of the game.


Yeah, many cards has lost it's 90% value, but still the team has to deal with the crashing market in overall. But still Splinterlands is sustaining where a tons of blockhain games have already vanished having a lot more marketcaps! Let's hope the bull bring the old days in Splinterlands.
Thanks for stopping by.


I would imagine it is probably a hard task to balance all of the factors like they do. I hope things turn around as well!
