RE: How beneficial is to ENTER into the Splinterlands pools for passive earnings!

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Yeah little bit of my saving that I am ready to loose for fun!


I wish you give me some advice.😄


Do you want to invest in Splinterlands assets? Let me know I can help you in this case, first you should signup for the game :
and try to understand about the interface first


Dear my friend Hassan!
To be honest, I want to know more about the usage and concept of blockchain and cryptocurrency rather than enjoying Sprintlands as a game!
I will consider joining Sprintland slowly and make a decision!

Now, talking to my friend Hassan is more fun!😄


Yeah, that's good. You can search some videos in youtube regarding the blockchains, NFTs and many more. It will increase our knowledge and you can realize the future scopes of different blockchains and their use cases. In my opinion, still blockchains and the cryptocurrencies are at their initial stage. And the govt. of many countries are trying to condemn it due to many underlying drawbacks for their econmoy and several criminal activities are settled with some cryptos like BTC, ETH, ZEC, XMR etc
So, for the time being learn about the new technology which is a fun too!


I want to know about the Indian subcontinent and civilization through my friend Hassan!
To Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, Indian civilization has always been a mystery!

So, the Chinese learned Buddhism and Hindu culture and ideas beyond the Pamir Plateau to the Indian subcontinent.
In particular, India's outstanding mathematics and Indian numbers had a great influence on the development of civilization in East Asia.

So, I want to know about Indian mathematics and science through my friend Hassan!😄


Got any spt to buy ill buy it all i need to acquire a majority stake in it if I want to add it as the main spending currency on the debit card im trying to get through if i cant get enough ill leave it off until i can bc any token put on that will bump being on a visa card if it goes though all aproved. That would be prettty cool to do it one at a time like bump sps or may make it cheaper if ppl swipe and spend it. Will great if the debit card works out since i have shares in both the deal benefits me on all sides lol. There is a new game out KOD token looked kinda cool bought like 50K of those they were cheap and i figure goign to fly up a bit if ppl see it. and youu can stake i guess like woo high apy right now so prob not a bad bet. You get any licenses yet im at 5 just need to get my cash in so i can start buying up all the nfts on the spt market and spt it self and thg gaming add like half the lp value for sps/spt get the nice rewards on that one or diversify with PKM/sps hive sps hive dec but gotta make sure i buy a good amount of dec maybe 20 miillion so i lock it in cheap to get a few guilds up and runing so each memeber of my new guild part ofthe club idea will get to play all frays of 30 accounts each lol and generate crazy amounts of gladiious accounts to sell or rent later.

Talking to Aggie about my idea for a gamer focused apartment complex with no rents based on having them covered with stable coin lp pools and have ppl do 200 in referrals a month so get 400 extra a unit to and the lps provide the rest so no one will pay rent and there will be a live trading floor , gamer tournament area, wagers can be placed plus a p2p on ramp cash for sps in NY will be popular if i stickit in the metaverse to. Sell sps at a mark up alittle in NY and charge a comission have it owned by a cayman island LLC which will be owned by my other LLC lol. The money will be put in via a new account just in case someone decides its not allowed but the gambling games or vote raffles im going to do on steem 50/50 with votes it will play every 10 min and draw a winner and i always win have like 20 of those going with diff themese, add a guild debt reveniue share of say 20% to get financing of x to buy more assets will be prob pretty easy to get he loans if that s not offered i may start offering lending of assets so ppl can short them and have ppl take each side i cut the middle out for me as a market maker. Basically copy every article on to steem from hive double vote make my curator for spt better by adding free steem or other to make roi good enough to take 100 millon of the delegations by offering lof fee 5% thats it for split no other fees if i get 100 miilon of them i can vote on the dao members posts a bit and also vote on other posts of new guild members and other new players give them a bit vote. Doing it that way should max out he earning potential and put the proceeds into the lp sps spt for extra returns to ensure i can provide a better roi than anyh other curator on this asset at least. Such a high limit of 20 milllon will be coming to 100000 so ppl can get in on the decisions for the dao turn it intot a investment club where votess pr0vide the investmeents and stake of spt determines ownership. First i need to get enoough spt lol if you have any ill buy at market.


Buy like 300K-1 million SPS , get 1-10 million SPT vote on your posts and put some in the LP SPS SPT and get nodes I have 4 I get like 40-60 a day battles I make 6-70 a day overal 100-250 a day

Posted using Splintertalk
