Hive Tentacles Spreading: Splinterlands In Partnership With Warner Music

What does this all mean?

At this point, we are only left speculation what this implications are for Hive from this venture. It might be a massive boom, helping Hive to enter the mainstream or it might be nothing.

Only time will tell.

That said, we can delve into this to help us understand how the tentacles of Hive are spreading.


Warner Music Group

Splinterlands and Warner Music Group are teaming up to develop Play-to-Earn games. This is something the mainstream is starting to understand.

The deal will see the two companies collaborate to give select WMG artists opportunities to create and develop play-to-earn (P2E), arcade-style blockchain games. Splinterlands currently operates the world’s most popular blockchain game ‘dapp’ (decentralized app), called Splinterlands.

This is likely part of a major shift we will see taking place. Companies realize there is a new paradigm developing and they are going to want to be a part of it.

The fact that one of the largest music companies is teaming up with Splinterlands can only be a positive.

Jesse “Aggroed” Reich, Splinterlands co-founder and CEO, said: “Warner Music Group is a leader in the music industry. They are innovating the music industry to meet the standards set by Web 3.0 community members. We're thrilled to be working with them and I look forward to new collaborations at the intersection of gaming, music, crypto, NFTs, defi, and blockchain.”

Here we see how a major corporation is wanting in on the Web 3.0 transition. How it all will look, of course, remains to be seen.

What Does This Mean For Hive?

As stated, it is unclear how much impact this will have on Hive. The direct results might be zero.

The reason for this is we do not know if the assets build into the game will be tied to Hive at all. It stands to reason that they will be available to purchase on the different Hive-Engine front ends. However, the overall focus for Splinterlands appears to be operating on as many different chains as possible.

Would the games be tied to Hive like Splinterlands?

This is possible but no guarantee. Splinterlands posts certain data to Hive via Custom JSONs. If there is a need in a particular game that is designed, this would seem like a probable outcome.

Is SPS going to be part of it?

Again, we have no idea. They could so something similar to what @psyberx is doing with the LVL token where that is the in-game token for all they create. Odds are that we will see different tokens generated as more games roll out. It is likely even the Splinterlands team has no idea at this point.

If there is so little we know, how can this be good for Hive?

Splinterlands Brand Growing

Splinterlands is tied to Hive. This much we know. A move like this is only growing the Splinterlands brand, which will make that more valuable.

That means the tentacles are reaching further out. Like with most things, it will help to bring awareness. The goal of the Splinterlands team is to keep growing that game. It is not being abandoned. Thus, any growth it experiences will have an impact upon Hive.

It is also adds some legitimacy. While many other chains promote the entry of major corporations, here we see a Hive-based project partnering with one of the biggest names in music. That is something that must not be overlooked.

For now we can presume that Splinterlands game is the flagship for the brand and that will evolve and grow. We know that, for the most part, the game requires a Hive account. Here we see the Hive Account Management System entering the picture.

Will this be adopted into the different games? It only makes sense that it is going to be an option albeit perhaps not a requirement. This helps to increase the value of having a Hive account since it could allow access to all that is created.

Naturally, we are speculating here so keep that in mind.

Value From What Is Built On It

When we strip it down, Hive is a back-end. It is a receptacle for data. Through the design, it is decentralized, being hosted on many servers run by different people.

This is what we refer to as "Layer 1". It is also what a lot want to focus upon.

From the start, it seems sensible the promotion and adoption was going to come from the second layer. It is what is build on Hive that will help to increase the value of Hive.

Utility is something that is not discussed enough. Here is where we see value. Anything that has a great deal of utility is going to have value, especially as the network effects kick off.

Thus, a key concept is that of a "feeder system". The second layer is what feeds into Hive. People are not drawn to Hive per se but, rather, the games or applications. These, in turn, push a certain amount of people, by default, into the Hive ecosystem.

The fact that Splinterlands is branching further out can only enhance this concept. It is tapping into a much bigger market. Even in the article linked announcing the partnership, we see this:

Splinterlands was founded in 2018. The company’s fantasy-themed collectible card game, Splinterlands, currently boasts 1.8m registered users, 450,000 daily users, and recently passed a historic one billion battle milestone.

Here we see some promotion of the Splinterlands game.

The Totality Of It All

It is easy to fall victim to looking for the homerun. We all want to see the Killer DApp (or Game). However, it is best to take a different approach.

We have Splinterlands, Leofinance, PsyberX, Ragnarok, and SpkNetwork all pushing forward. There are other projects that are smaller in degree, at this moment, that could also have great reach. We also see development at the base layer which should make the creation of applications and games tied to Hive much easier.

All of this is going to add up to something. We have tentacles spreading out. Each is a feeder system to Hive. When it comes to Web 3.0, we are building it. Hence, if we get a Web3 Summer, it stands to reason that Hive will be in the middle of it.

Fortunately, it is not here yet which gives us time to build.

This announcement is great news for Hive even if it ends up without any direct impact. The fact that one of the projects closely aligned with this ecosystem is reaching out to this degree is of great benefit. With its growing brand, the ability for Hive to ride on the coattails is increasing.

Of course, the hope is we can say that about a number of projects over the next year or two. It is how Hive will go from flying under the radar to something that many look to when seeking to develop their projects.

The tentacles are spreading.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I read about it and my mind was blown, it is great news for hive and even if there isn't an immediate effect, there surely will still be one in time.


The news just keeps on getting better for hive and splinterlands! I know we are all really stoked about the future of this new partnership. This could be a great opportunity for us to forge connections with other investors. With the drop in prices across the blockchains it will be a good time for new development during the bear market.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 94 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I think the biggest question of all should be is hive ready and have the capabilities for NFTs, Play2earn games etc to all be developed on it or will this development happen only partially on hive.


There is little doubt that Hive is not ready. I guess H-E could take some of it along with NFT Showroom. But it all is not going to on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is awesome for the blockchain and a positive move towards making more progress in future


Yeah, the way I read it they are talking about creating totally different games. I think the Splinterland applies more to the team that is working on it versus any actual integration with the game. I could be wrong though. It would make sense for them to carry over the SPS token and use that across all games. Assuming they can support the supply. It's possible they weren't planning on anything like this when they created the cap for SPS. Or maybe they were... :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wawu! This is a huge expansion move by Splinterlands and a piece of big news for the Hive community at large. Like I said in my recent post, wins for communities will somehow have a direct impact on Hive because it is Layer 1.

More so, we can be sure that the partnership will draw more attention to the Splinterlands game and Hive.

Should more communities continue to develop and expand then Hive might see an exponential increase in value and adoption.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Should more communities continue to develop and expand then Hive might see an exponential increase in value and adoption.

I think we will see that. It is a matter of getting a lot of different things going.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The brand name of Splinterlands is one of the best ones among all playtoearn games. As Splinterlands establish such great partnerships, more exchange listings and new millions of players will not be surprising ^^


Long story short. Beginning in the seventies the earning power of working class people world wide hasn't increased very much. At the same time manufacturing productivity has increased very much. In the long term there will be a LOT of people who won't be able to find a paying job.

Getting payed to play video games might be a good source of income for those people. It's not the same for guaranteed basic income but the results might be much the same.

I was unaware until recently of how LARGE the gaming industry was. The article I read said that it was much larger than Hollyweird, the legacy news media, and all of professional sports COMBINED.

That would seem to be a fairly large customer base.


Estimated to be about 3 billion people of the 5 billion online engage in gaming.

So yes that is a huge market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What a coincidence Task, my today's post is about the same topic. This is great news for all the Hive Community members whether they are invested in Splinterlands or not. Hive is a ticking bomb and it can explode anytime. It's getting out in the open. ✌️ This partnership will bring indirect value to Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This partnership will bring indirect value to Hive.

I agree with this. The question is does it bring direct value to Hive?

We will have to see how this pans out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think it's great that it is branching out and I don't see Hive going away. After all it will give them more reach. However I am a little conflicted that it is Warner because they haven't been known to make the best decisions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


One brick at a time. Hive just keeps building awareness and utility behind the scenes and at a certain point it will no longer be an unknown chain but will instead become one of the most robust, utilized, and developer-friendly, blockchains in existence. If the Warners of the world are starting to look into Web3, it won't be long until other dominoes start to fall. The future continues to be bright if not the present with what's going on in Europe. Keep filling those bags. Our day is coming....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Our day is coming....

We still need to get our infrastructure in place first but we are working on that. Getting HAF live is vital.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is a really good thing to see Splinterlands gaining the popularity it ought to have . A collaboration with Warner Bros Music is really a milestone this community of Hive has stepped. I’m guessing more good news are still going to pop up in the future as regards Splinterlands; this is just a tip of the iceberg .


Splinterlands is doing everything Right !
So appreciative of being a Part of the Current Play2Earn from the Beginning. Warner Music has a HUGE Stable of Artists and that Will be a big part of Abundance for All in the Future who decide to get involved........ @taskmaster4450


I am quite happy Cointelegraph publish about the partnership, this is the kind of publicity Hive needs.

it is going to be an exciting year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Splinterlands is just exploring several possibilities and showing that there's more to play2earn games than just fun. The Collaborations that are brewing up are paving way for more enrolment to Hive and that means a big deal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Waka Spiritblade sold out in under a minute, and splinterlands is top trending search team on at the moment.


So they don't have to help these brands build their games on Hive.

But they would be wise to do so.

Every other blockchain has faced scaling issues due to just 1 successful game.

While Hive has and continues to handle all of Splinterlands traffic with no problems.

I'm personally excited for what this partnership could mean.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


First I heard about this and any news is good news. Lets hope whatever is built will be on the Hive blockchain as Aggroed knows how this works and surely you stick to what you know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh my.

I don't care what happens with all this, and I mean that in the most positive way possible.

Way to go Splinterlands.

I can only see the benefits here. It is all positive.

Directly or indirect as you said.

I believe this shows the power of what Hive stands for. True web 3.0.

I am overly excited. Fiscally smiling at my phone.

Funny how I am reading and finding about all this positive news since I changed my attitude to 100 percent positive.




Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work


The second layer is what feeds into Hive. People are not drawn to Hive per se but, rather, the games or applications. These, in turn, push a certain amount of people, by default, into the Hive ecosystem.

Yes, you're right. Never really intended to join Hive. I even didn't know about it's existence prior to my entry to Splinterlands.

It appears that Splinterlands has been making new partnerships for the last three months: Xpansion, Sushiswap, Zipmex, TeraBlock, Waka Flocka, and now with Warner Music Group. If these are signs of a game on a death march as some FUDers would want people to believe, I don't know how to describe what vitality is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Looks like our oligarchs just might live to rue the day they treated aggroed to the back of their hand.


I was very excited to see this headline in the news. What next wonderful step is going to happen in our blockchain world? Soon, we will see!!! #exciting

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


IMHO, this is one of finest decision/opportunity made/availed by the Splinterlands. I am sure, this would be beneficial for the HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
