Splinterlands Investment : Day 26 -- Good income...but don't quit your day job.

Today I surpassed 100 SPS on the airdrop plus staking rewards. At roughly 43 cents per dollar it makes for some easy back of the napkin math:

$43/day * 30 days/month = $1290/month
and I live in Canada so $1290 USD = $1690 Canadian.

Now... with our current minimum wage here at roughly $15/hr that means I'd be making about as much from SPS rewards as if I was to work 28 hrs a week for a month! Add in some daily DEC from battling and on paper I could make more money playing Splinterlands part time than working fast food full time.


So tempting. So very tempting.

Just remember that SPS airdrops aren't forever. SPS price is super volatile. Who knows what will happen to Splinterlands after the Chaos release.

So, I will happily dream of the possibility of Splinterlands making me a lot of money and I will have lots of fun playing and talking about it in the meantime.

Never forget though my financial investment here is just play money to see what kind of return I can get. Not advice to follow my path and certainly not advice to quit your day job :)

Happy hunting
and here are today's numbers.



Just wanted to post some encouragement and hang in there!
Actually went back and read all of your old blogs and it's pretty cool to see your progression. I'm a new player myself looking to optimize my investment too so your blog was definitely one of the most informative.

You seem very invested in the day by day swings. Just look at the big picture! One day you will either be filthy rich or you will have lost it all. Don't think there's an in between (lol)

I will start to blog soon and go down a similar path to you. Hopefully we can exchange some ideas in the future


I'm all for exchanging ideas :)

As for watching everyday I have a bit of a quandry with that. I told myself I would blog each day for a year to see how the developments go. Watching every day for a year means I'm going to drive myself crazy with market fluctuations. If I don't watch every day I'll get lazy and not bother posting.

Result. Damned if I do and Damned if I don't :)
