It's Simple: You Think Better, You Succeed Better - On Ecency


Hi there dear friends on Ecency and all other Frontends on Hive, in today's blog I wanted to share a personal realization of mine.

I actually came to this realization this very week after thinking a whole lot about the way forward in my life. Yep I'm a man of big dreams so I think a lot about my future, hehe.

Really, I have been thinking for some time about how to improve the things in my everyday life. The more I try to develop what I do daily, the more I understand how creative one can be. It is just like the hidden superpower that lies deep in my brain; this power may explode at any moment with amazing ideas. And you know what? In my opinion, success in business depends on how many new ideas one can generate every single day.

It really doesn't have to be a top notch ideas or a billion dollar idea, but as long as your try to come up with average ideas every single day, you're assured success in the future.

If you’re always coming up with brand new ideas, even when they are just normal regular ideas, then you are well on your way to becoming very successful. But if you’re stuck in a rut and not doing anything new, then most likely you will never move ahead from where you currently are. That’s why it’s so important always to look out for improvements.

You see guys, the way to be successful at anything is not by doing it for a long time, oh no - It's by learning and developing yourself in that area.

If you are in a career or business for let's say two decades but you keep doing the very same thing, never learning and never finding new ways to be more effective, you're definitely going to be stuck in the same place for life.

One thing I love about Bill Gates, one time the richest man in the world is how he loves to employ workers that find ways of making the same thing easier.. they have a lazy mentality, of course they are not lazy but they seek to be creative with ways to make the same work easier and faster.

It was literally a quote of his and I'm happy to share a video of it guys

What I mean is that, just take a quick look around yourself now; what do you think can be improved? Maybe it’s as simple as a better way to organize your work space or more efficient ways of going about doing your daily tasks. Nonetheless, every little bit counts for something.

And it’s not only about helping yourself feel good. It is also about staying ahead in an ever changing fast paced world. You stand higher chances of survival and thriving if you can come up with more and better ideas.


But here is the unfortunate catch guys

Generating new ideas is not always smooth sailing. It takes a certain mindset and way of thinking. You must be inquisitive, ready to take risks and open minded to fresh experiences. And perhaps most importantly, you should be able to spot relationships that others see no connection between.

That’s why the environment you find yourself in is vital. According to the individuals around you who are encouraging and supporting your innovative efforts, success will be nearer. Alternatively, if you are in an environment that discourages originality, well, do not expect much achievement.

So at the end of it all, creativity boils down to psychology. It relates to what takes place inside your brain and the things that influence it. Personally speaking, I believe we all have a potential of being creative geniuses. All we need do is unlock our potential and let our ideas flow.

To sum up my entire point, I think the secret to business success or succeeding in life generally is setting loose one’s inner creativity. The more ideas you can come with up with the better for you. Therefore don’t hesitate to think out of box and challenge status quo; who knows? You might just come up with the next big thing.

Thank you for the time spent reading my blog today guys, I hope this blog inspires you to go out there and get more creative. Can't wait to hear your feedback on this guys.


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Ideas and creativity are one part of the equation, the other one is bringing things into life, making them happen.


You're absolutely right my good friend... It is one part of the equation indeed


@Theringmaster is a very good person, as usual I read every article posted like I read a book, I digest every useful word. Useful for me and for everyone, Thank you for sharing friends. ❤


Wow Riyat your words are very inspiring to me.. thank you so much for the comment and compliment


Although I dislike Gates and always have, I think he might be on to something with his quote. Although, a lazy person might very well not do the job they were hired to do instead of finding an easy way of doing it.


😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰🥰 absolutely my good dearest friend
