So How Do You Naturally Increase Productivity? - On Ecency


Hi there dear friends on Ecency and all other Frontends on Hive.

One of the most important things that enables us to produce results is our level of productivity, it's literally the definition of productivity.

Now I have a simple question for you - Do you ever realize how those close to us can affect our moods and productivity?

For me I strongly believe it is a ripple effect, the mood of others can either improve or worsen your own. I strongly agree with this concept because I have seen it working in my life.

Just think about it guys, if everyone around you does their job well, it is inspiring isn't it. You feel motivated to give your best since you see them giving their all. However, when you unfortunately get stuck with individuals who are not contributing as they should be, it can be very frustrating and demoralizing.

One researcher, Arthur Brooks investigated on this phenomenon. Happiness, obesity, even divorce spread among people and is very contagious says Dr. Arthur Brooks.

Here's a long video of Dr. Arthur Brooks teaching on the principles of Happiness

He also did a TED talk teaching on it very well..

Now the interesting thing about this concept is that, productivity and performance is also as contagious as happiness

Performance really does follows this pattern as well. If you are around high-achievers, resulted oriented or productive people, it is virtually impossible for their drive and commitment not to transfer unto you.

In my personal life, I have seen this happening to me. Whenever I am part of a group where all members are deeply committed, I also up my game. We are in this together, motivating one another to improve.

I believe my friends on Ecency can agree to what I'm saying. I try to give my best on Hive because I'm part of it.

However, when there is negativity and laziness around me, it’s like stopping at a dead end. The pace slows down and it’s discouraging.


This is why I’m choosy or very selective about the people with whom I spend time either at work or after hours. I look for those who motivate me and make me grow as an individual. And guess what? It always pays off guys.

Now the reason why this works hundred percent of the time is because, when you surround yourself with high achievers, their habits and attitudes start to rub off on you. It seems like drinking in their optimism through osmosis. (A little science in my blog, hehehe)

Well it's true that sometimes you don’t get to choose your colleagues at work, I absolutely understand that scenario in people's lives including my very own life.

There may be times when you have no choice but to deal with under performers. But in that case too, there is something you can do about it; reduce exposure. Find out how to connect with the over-achievers or concentrate on personal development alone instead.

What I mean is this; who you associate with is important. It could be the difference between being successful and happy. So, if you want to achieve all that you can, stay in touch with those who help to maximize your potential. Do believe me; it’s worth it.

So my advice is to choose the right friends, colleagues and people you consider close to you. The fastest way to be productive is to be around productive people. Just like how you could spend time in a new country and their culture influences you, that's how contagious productive friends and colleagues will be to you and that's a very positive thing.

Thanks for the time guys, I hope this blog brings enlightenment. Would absolutely love your feedbacks on this.


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when you surround yourself with high achievers, their habits and attitudes start to rub off on you.
These words are very useful for everyone. You are an intelligent person and want to share your knowledge with everyone, keep up the good work my brother


I'm Grateful riyat, your comments give me so much hope


We as friends often provide support and encouragement to other people.


I am completely agree, and I love the podcast you shared. I listened to this episode, but I think it needs to be sad that be with productive people can be overwhelming and exhausted if you didn't find your passion or you can't work so hard like others because of your character and etc. I think it's important to think about it and don't feel bad if you don't work so hard like them. You need to find your cross line ;)


You're absolutely right on that my good friend... Of course we should never be hard on ourselves.... I was actually speaking on being around people that motivate you to push further and further.. but we should also never be hard on ourselves... We are and have different levels of capabilities.. love yourself and never give up🥰
