Splinterlands Strategy with new cards - Goal: Silver 3

Authored by @Titanos

Here I have mainly two strategies.

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This strategy assumes you have bought the Spellbook and have about 100DEC available and let's face it, it takes a while to earn that. If you are in Bronze 2 you can do it. Of course, it's easier if you're already in Bronze 1.

It's important to understand exactly how I'm going to do this.

I don't buy any more cards until I have about 11-12$. All cards are at level 1 and I leave them at level 1. You only get frequent cards in these leagues if at all and they are worth 4-9 cents. I don't level these cards or don't level them further for the following reasons:

1. it is unnecessary to level cards if you don't have the corresponding hero.

In addition, you could argue that you can rent the cards - you can save that, because for such cards in levels 1,2, or 3 you get 0.1DEC or very little more per rental. With the DEC earned by selling such low-value cards, you will reach your goal faster to have enough DEC available to rent good cards.

  1. Most cards you can keep once so you have them but anything beyond that is unnecessary. If you need a low-value card you can rent it for 0.1DEC. If you want to have them to collect, wait until you generate a good cash flow and the cards are worth less than a day's revenue to you.

When you rent cards you often have the option to rent higher-level cards. I would advise against this unless they are cheaper than level 1 cards. I don't mean in relation to the strength but really cheaper than level 1 cards. However, this does not happen very often.

It is more effective to rent good cards, i.e. legendary cards, which are cheaper than leveled cards and a leveled hero. The cards in level 2 or level 3 usually cost twice as much as if you rent 5 or 6 times the card in level 1.

I only buy cards that cost about $11 or more with this strategy so that I have good rental income from these cards myself when I am not active.

Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments, so far it's working out pretty well.


