The GOLD FOIL owner monopolize the marketplace rental price.


Today is the hardest day for the beginner, because of the pushing the new rule in reward "season current rank" some of the owners of the gold foil monopolizing the game. the price of almost all gold foil is ranging 1k above for the card given you a power 10k.
Before the season end or 5 days before the season end the rental value of this card is ranging 500 to 700dec per day.

For example, if you want to move forward to silver 3 you need 15k power. You need a card that gives you a 15k power, The card that gives you 15k power is BETA/ REWARD Epic Gold foil. 5days before the end of the season you will get less than 1k but now because of the monopolizing the owner of gold foil the all prices moving up.
Card gives you 15k power

Because of this some of the renters cancel the rental of the card and change the price in line with the marketplace rental price. The effect of this is some of the players hoping to get the number season reward chest, in the end, is gone. Because of the rental cancelation. Other players pushing to gold or champion that not enough power in the card, they can not find lowes price in the marketplace.


I also ended up forgetting to rent before and ended up finishing Silver 2, when I could have finished Gold 2
