Splinterlands: End of Season Rewards Value



With just 2 days before the end of the season, A lot of players are now grinding to hit a higher rank.
While we may experience again the "rental bug" for us to get a higher power for our cards.
But did you know that you can get the average value that you can get by the end of the season? As well as the daily rewards chests?

You do not know it yet but I will share it with you.
I discover this while computing for my daily SPS airdrop in one of the third-party sites for Splinterlands, https://splintercards.com/

By going into this site, I was directed at the front page of the site which looks like this.


You can see the current market trends and prices for DEC, SPS as well as card packs prices, daily volumes, and rentals.
The site includes the top player per tier from bronze to champion.

You can see the average cost per tier in the tools tab of the site.
Click on loot chest value to see the current average amount.
In here, you can see the value for Common up to Legendary rewards in DEC value and drop rate percentage.
If you scroll down, you will see the value of the end-of-season rewards, from Bronze III to Champion I.

This site just added as well easy access for all players to compute for their voucher during the airdrop for pre-sale of Chaos Legion packs.
You can do this by clicking on tools and the pre-sale vouchers calculator.
Just input your current SPS quantity then click check.
It will look like this:


This tool is very useful if you are planning to buy more packs during the pre-sale.

I hope you are now prepared for the End-of-Season rewards as well as the pre-sale for Chaos Legion Packs.
