Splinterlands: Guide to Scholarships



In today's article, we will be discussing the Scholarships in Splinterlands.

There are ways for you to start playing @splinterlands.
If you are on a tight budget and can't invest in the spellbook but wants to play, well here are the ways for you.

Free Spellbook

Some organizations are offering free spellbook by just being active in their community.
They will require you to be in their group and just be active to help out other players. You will fill out a form and a senior member will DM you once you've proven your worth in the community with a day or may even take a week. You can even join their guilds.

Income Sharing Scholarships

There are also groups or organizations which offer a loaded account that you can use and you will have a profit-sharing. The group I entered into has a 50/50 sharing of the income.
The base may have cards ready and own by the account or it can be that you will rent for the whole season for the cards you will use in battle.

Some Organizations have their shares listed in Hive-engine and you may even have a bigger income in terms of profit-sharing once you invest in it. You may read their full article here:

I have made a video about the scholarships, you can watch it here:
