What is SPS?


I hope you are all well in these times of pandemic, where one time we are fine then suddenly a lockdown once again happens. But nevertheless, we still continue gaming.

What is SPS? It is the Splinterlands Shards, where the game gives you a corresponding amount equal to your game assets, like cards, lands, and all your in-game belongings.
At one point, I was able to watch Clove71 video for her first airdrop amounting to more than $1,200+ in one day. It is because she was one of the top 10 investors in the game. You may want to check her video here:

It is only now that I encountered a game giving back to its players by an in-game currency as a reward. It will be given daily for 365days, and isn't it crazy?
You may check your in-game rewards here: https://splintercards.com/tool-sps-airdrop.php
I am s starter and I am loving the game already.
Let me know your thoughts about SPS on the comment section. See yah!
