How to Defeat Quora (Tier 4 Brawls and Tournaments)

Quora is one of the strongest cards in Splinterlands and many players fear facing her. This is my best advice on how to defeat Quora with battle links included.


Abilities and Tactics Against Quora

There is a big difference between facing Quora at levels 1-2 compared to level 3 and higher when she has immunity. The third battle link below is against a level 3 Quora with immunity.

Be sure to scout the card collection of your opponents before starting brawl matches to know which level of gladiator cards you will be facing. This article has more information on how immunity works.

Abilities to Counter Quora

These are the abilities I use to counter Quora.

  • Magic Reflect
  • Void
  • Void Armor
  • Dispel (works against immunity, removes bloodlust)
  • Cripple (good until Quora level 3)
  • Affliction (good until Quora level 3)
  • Stun (good until Quora level 3)
  • Slow (good until Quora level 3)

Use as many of these as you can, they are more useful when you can stack them against her. Below is an example where she is slowed, stunned, and crippled all within the first round. This made her entirely useless to my opponent in this battle.


Tactics Against Quora

  • Concentrated Fire
  • Limit Low Mana Cards

When anticipating Quora, try to concentrate all of your attacks on the front line and avoid using too many sneak, snipe, or opportunity monsters. The key to defeating Quora is taking her out early before she gets bloodlust.

Low mana cards are a major no-no when expecting Quora. Do not put fiends or other low-mana cards in the front of your lineup to feed bloodlust.

Battle Highlights

Here are highlights of four battles where I've defeated Quora. They utilize many of the tactics and abilities noted above.

Battle 1: Gold Modern Tier 4 Brawl (Battle Link)

It was likely my opponent would play Quora with either Immortalis or Obsidian. Because of this, I did not want to do a magic vs magic battle. I decided to use Kelya for the extra speed, in spite of wasting the shield ability in the unprotected rule set.

I used slow, void, affliction, stun, cripple, and concentrated fire to stack multiple disadvantages against Quora.

Baakjira as the tank provides multiple advantages of slow, void, heal, and strengthen. Plus the 13 health means the Quora will not get a quick easy kill to trigger bloodlust. The reason I used Deeplurker is that it is an incredibly strong card going 5 damage for 6 mana. I expected Deeplurker to strike the killing blow against Quora at the start of the second round.



As I said above, by the end of round 1 Quora has been slowed, stunned, and crippled and is now ready for the final blow to remove her from the battle at the start of round 2.


Battle 2: Gold Modern Tier 4 Brawl (Battle Link)

Another battle in which it seemed obvious the opponent would play Mylor Quora or Obsidian Quora. My preference would have been to play Mylor Quora or Mylor Grund but I didn't rent Mylor for this brawl.

Pelacor Conjurer is a good tank to play against quora because of divine shield, flying, and magic reflect. Quora will not get an early kill, may miss the melee attack,and will take damage back after her magic attack.

Venator Kinjo is good because of slowing quora and reflection shield against thorns from mylor. I put Vulguine in the back with dodge to guard against the sneak ruleset and to give time for scavenger to accumulate more health points.


Battle 3: Gold Modern Tier 4 Brawl (Battle Link)

Another match with a high likelihood of facing Quora. This was tougher due to my opponent from the well-known Legendary Dragons guild having a level 3 Quora with immunity.


In this battle, my opponent made a mistake by playing Llama as the summoner instead of Immortalis or Obsidian in a magic-only battle. If they are going to play Llama, Quora should have been placed in the back to take advantage of the last stand with no sneak, snipe, or opportunity rules.

Without void or any protection for Quora, this battle was an easy win and I didn't lose any monsters thanks to the void protection from Immortalis.


Battle 4: Bronze Wild Tournament (Battle Link)

This battle is a little different because I wasn't expecting to face Quora, but it highlights the importance of concentrated fire.

@albee is a great player that I don't defeat very often. I don't think I can outwit him in this situation, and because of the high mana, I simply went with a massive damage output of 19 damage per round (17 magic + 2 melee). I think the lineup from Albee was too defensive only doing 14 damage per round.


As you can see, by round 4, even with bloodlust and engrage, Quora has no chance against the remaining 14 damage per round from my team.



If you are struggling to defeat Quora in brawls and tournaments, remember that the game design is balanced and there are usually ways to counter every card in the game, including Quora. I hope you find these battle tips useful to help you defeat Quora in your upcoming battles.


This is really great gameplay advice, especially with the practical examples from your strategies. It is cool that you provide the screen shots and battle links to go along with it!


Excellent article, @unitmaster Well thought out, well laid out and screenshots and battle links will help us remember points even in the heat of battles. ;)
Thank you!!!
