Got my first Chaos reward card From my daily chest reward

So yesterday i was gutted i opened my two daily chests before the update so missed out on a chance to get a new reward card but today the splinterlandd gods shined down on me

Screenshot 20210914 at 16.24.14.png

First chest had a Rare Twilight Baslisk in it work $1.18 i plan to keep any reward cards i get over the next month as no one will know there true value until they get out of print just look at axe master for example. I also got a Demented Shark which isnt two bad as i needed one more to up level mine to a level 2 so its now worth $1.50 and it cost me nothing at all

Here are the stats for Twilight Basilisk

Screenshot 20210914 at 17.27.34.png

It has reach and a good amount of speed so would be good in the right deck i dont run a dragon deck but like i said will still be keeping it fingers crossed may get a few more so i could level him up. Season rewards tommorrow so a good chance at a few more
