Scorch Fiend ǀ My Splinterlands social media challenge entry.

Greetings to all! I am pleased to share with you my participation in the weekly social media challenge. On this occasion, I present to you my fan art drawing of the Scorch Fiend, also known as the Hugging Demon. I decided to choose this card because of its robust, wild and complex design, which inspired me to create a drawing that reflected my personal style. Let me describe the step-by-step process in more detail.












Step 1: The first thing I did was to use geometric shapes as a guide to build the structure of this creature. These shapes served me as a reference for the next step.

Step 2: Here I started to make the sketch, following the shapes established in the guide. As you can see, the character started to come to life. Naturally, I used an image as a reference to capture the distinctive features.

Step 3: At this stage, I made the line art of the character based on the previous sketch. I emphasized the arm that is closer to the viewer, giving it a greater thickness and trying to maintain the coherence of the perspective throughout the drawing.

Step 4: At this point, I began coloring the creature's body, rendering the rock areas with their respective shadows and highlights. I wanted to make sure to capture the texture and solid appearance of the rock in this step.

Step 5: Next, I colored the Scorch Fiend's mouth and multiple eyes with orange and yellow tones, trying to convey that fiery, flaming essence characteristic of the creature.

Step 6: To intensify the feeling of heat and fire, I added lava cracks emerging from the character's body, as shown in the reference image. In addition, I added a red glow to the lava areas, mouth and eyes, to enhance its hellish appearance.

Step 7: In order to create a light effect from the lava, I added more pronounced shadows behind the Scorch Fiend and applied a motion blur on his arm, in order to convey a sense of action and dynamism.

Step 8: I also incorporated more lava elements into the character's hands and mouth, in order to emphasize that lava is flowing from these areas. I wanted to make sure that the viewer could clearly understand the origin of the lava in the drawing.

Step 9: Nearing the end of the process, I added a sphere of crystalline lava on the back of the Scorch Fiend, following the reference image. This detail contributes to enrich the appearance and story of the character.

Step 10: Last but not least, I added a background that evokes the atmosphere of the Underworld, creating a suitable environment for the Scorch Fiend. In addition, I left my distinctive signature to give a personal and recognizable touch to the artwork.

In summary, this fan art drawing of the Scorch Fiend represents my personal interpretation of this SplinterLands card. I strove to capture its fiery and wild essence, as well as add additional details to enrich the composition as a whole. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed creating it - thanks for your attention!
This would be the final result

Original design
Scorch Fiend.png

My design


If you want to see more of my drawings you can follow me on my other networks.
Instagram: @Uri_Art64
Twitter: @Uri_Assets.
Tools used:

  • Wacom graphic tablet.
  • PaintTool Sai2 drawing program.
