Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Dec 9 - Dec 15) + Brawl Report



Greetings everyone, happy December to all. We are one week away from Christmas, hope all your Christmas shopping is more or less completed. Today I will be bringing you my Splinterlands journey CP growth and also a brawl report on the recent brawl for PIZZA 2.

Let's start things off with how my collection power increased since the last update.

Owned Card Power (CP)
Week Start CP: 20985
Week Ending CP: 22985

CP Additions:

Gargoya Lion x 1
Pelacor Conjurer x 3
Pelacor Deceiver x 1
Blood Maker x 2
Vampire Bat x 2
Ever Hungry Skull x 1
Pelacor Bandit x 4
Merdhampir x 2

Naga Assassin x 1
Twilight Basilisk x 1
Venari Seedsmith x 1
Vampiric Blossom x 1
Gargoya Devil x 1

CP: 180

Gladius Pack

Yes I have accumulated 8 packs and opened them. Here's how they look

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 12.11.51 AM.png

CP: 1820

Delta to Silver 2: 17015

Rather decent CP gained throughout the week with at least 1 card each day gotten from daily focus chest.

However, there is a significant gained from my Gladius packs which I have accumulated for some time. And yes, Quora Towershead appeared in 1 of the 8 packs that I opened. After weeks of being victim to it, finally I own a copy of it, same for Cortisol as well. I am also pleasantly surprised with a copy of Gold Foil Betrol which added a hefty 500 CP to my collection. An amazing boost in CP, let's continue to push on!

End of Season Rewards
Right when I am writing this post, we have just ended the season. This season I played in silver but pushed to gold to secure gold season chest and here's how it looks like:


I am like how it is in modern which enabled me to push for gold season chest more easily. This season rewards is at $0.43 with quite a big amount of SPS which can boost GLX airdrop. I will stick on to this mode and play in modern.

Brawl Report
Time for some brawl action! Let's take a look look at the matches I played this brawl. As usual, I am anchoring Fray 3 for my guild which is the Novice Chaos Legion Fray, so cards will be at lowest form without additional levelled up stats/abilities.

Brawl 1

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 12.34.31 AM.png

Opponent used a very defensive lineup to heal and repair but I doubt it will be able to my heavy hitting lineup.

Outcome: Win! With a heavy hitting Gladius on my end, it is too tough to handle for my opponent.

Brawl 2
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 12.42.25 AM.png

Just when I thought I fielded a very decent lineup with my trusty Releanor, I see a scarier lineup from my opponent.

Outcome: Lost. The lineup is real strong and multi dimensional. Nice play by my opponent.

Brawl 3
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 12.49.57 AM.png

Bad play on my end, I forget that this is a Noxious Fumes match and happily fielded based on standard situations.

Outcome: Lost. I admit my defeat in this bad play. Could have paid more attention. Apologies for the loss for this match.

Guild Final Tally

Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 12.45.52 AM.png

I am assigned 4 matches this brawl, won 1, 1 opponent fled and lost 2. Of the 2 losses, one is solely my bad play while the other, I was fully outmuscled.

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Yes, we are first again. But we cannot sit on our laurels, we need to get stronger and better. For me, I have 2 amazing additions to my lineup in the form of Quora and Cortisol. Hoping that these 2 amazing cards will bring me to greater heights.

Thoughts about Splinterlands Journey
Slow and steady, I am building up my account. Also I am enjoying the brawls every week, meeting new opponents and learning new ways of doing my lineups. The game development is not slowing down with land related developments being announced and everyone is getting excited about it. I joined the game about this timeframe last year and this journey has never been short of amazing.


Call to Action
Splinterlands is a game that made me change my whole perspective of mobile gaming. The community and non-fixed gameplay is what attracts me and I believe will be something you wish to experience.

If you wish to join me, click on the link below and join me in this adventure.

Do drop me a comment/message if you've joined Splinterlands through my referral link and I will transfer you some DEC to help you begin your Splinterlands journey.

I am currently also part of PIZZA community and also a part of the community's Splinterlands Guild. PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed here. Plenty of other things are being discussed there with many good information.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Thank you for reading post about my journey thus far. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or comment to let me know what are you thoughts.

Let's keep up this community spirit to allow more learning and sharing.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!



Not even close on christmas shopping... maybe !PIZZA gift cards to everone?



I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
kqaosphreak tipped vaynard86 (x1)
@genming(4/5) tipped @vaynard86 (x1)
relf87 tipped vaynard86 (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!


Congrats on the Gladius pulls!
