Splinterlands Rebellion Expansion Packs Pricing


The community frequently engages in discussions regarding the pricing of Splinterlands cards. While some members seek to increase the value of their portfolios, others desire affordable cards to participate in higher leagues, which offer not only more fun but also better rewards. However, even in the Bronze or Silver league, it can be arduous and expensive to amass a substantial number of cards to create a meaningful team under the given rulesets.

There is currently much speculation regarding the upcoming major expansion - Rebellion - and the prices of the packs. Some individuals claim that too many Chaos Legion packs were available, leading to their burning. While it is reasonable for prominent investors to desire rapid portfolio growth, the game necessitates a plethora of assets, particularly cheap assets to attract new players.

It won't be long before some cards become unattainable for purchase. This trend is already noticeable if one monitors the market. For instance, early-set iconic cards like Elemental Phoenix are almost non-existent. The only available Alpha version on the market is priced at 1000 USD and is at max-level. Soon, this phenomenon will occur with Beta cards, followed by Untamed, and so on. During the next Bull market phase, there may be insufficient cards available, which is detrimental to the influx of new players who want to stay in the game for an extended period. Therefore, it is crucial to plan accordingly, even if one's cards do not reach a few hundred USD per BCX in the next year or two. Eventually, they will attain those prices!

Regarding the pricing of Rebellion packs and beyond, it is imperative to make them affordable, preferably at 2 USD per pack and produce them in large quantities, such as 20 million packs. This would enable everyone to access the Base Set, allowing low-budget players to acquire numerous packs or buy cards from the market for a meager sum. On the other hand, higher-budget players could purchase more packs, and with an increasing number of new players, the cards would appreciate over time. Since the packs are sold at a low price, some compromises are necessary, such as making the cards slightly inferior to those in Chaos Legion, Untamed, Dice, Riftwatchers, etc. There should be minimal legendary cards in those packs, and overall cards should be nerfed, meaning they have very few abilities and lower base stats. In fact, it may be acceptable if common cards have no abilities at all, such as Cruel Sethropod. The number of rare and epic cards could also be limited, but this is a matter of debate.

Additionally, mini-sets will be introduced to the Base set, improving the decks in various ways. It is advisable to price these sets higher than the Base set, around 6-10 USD per pack. This means that one would need to invest around 200-300 USD for a max-level card, which could make a significant difference between one's deck and the Base Set deck.

In summary, such an approach would create a significant competitive advantage. While it is possible to win games with only the Base set, it would be challenging because key cards would be missing. However, this would enable new players and those with lower budgets to participate in higher leagues or lower leagues with more significant decks.

Let me know what you think about this proposal. Maybe something like this is the solution for all are asset-related problems.


It is the perfect time to buy some cards and rebuild your deck. Packs are not selling as fast as expected so prices are stable. I expect them to go down even more once we sell more packs. But there is always a possibility of new players joining and buying tons of cards, so be careful. If you are not playing #splinterlands yet, now is the perfect opportunity to join while you can get all those amazing cards at special prices. Come and join Splinterlands Discord and find out more.

Official Splinterlands Discord: https://discord.gg/A6yNcVqbU6

If you are new here

If you are new here, #splinterlands is the amazing #NFT trading card game with the #play2earn model. That means you can have a lot of fun AND you can earn money (DEC - Dark Energy Crystals) at the same time. If you don't have an account yet consider registering with my link. If you sign up with my referral link, please DM me and I will send you 100 DEC that will help you start with the game(of course if I see you on my referral list).


Have fun and see you on the battlefield.

