Interesting new abilities from Silver to Gold - Death Splinter


I am super excited about the new season. Last season I finished at Silver 2, with enough rating to push for Gold, but not enough power. So this season, I will definitely be aiming for Gold.

As I prepare for that, I am looking at interesting new abilities at the Gold league as I transition from the Silver league. I did Life splinter in one of my previous posts. Today, I am focused on the Death Splinter.

Here are some that stood out to me:

Corrupted Pegasus gets Tank Heal

First of all, Death is known for debuffs and not very known for healing. There are only three healing abilities in all of Death, and two of those will be unlocked at Gold (the other one, of course, is Haunted Spirit).

The first of those two healers available at Gold is Corrupted Pegasus. Many players using Death are using the Lord of Darkness and Corrupted Pegasus 1-2 punch at Gold. Lord of Darkness has Shield, Stun, and Enrage at Gold, which is solid in itself. Add the Tank Heal from Corrupted Pegasus, and it’s tough to beat.

Theorosa Nightshade gets Triage

The other of the two healers I mentioned above is Theorosa Nightshade. In a previous season at Gold, I liked partnering Theorosa with Dark Ha’on at the backline. I put Dark Ha’on in the last position, and with Taunt, it distracts the opponents and just absorbs damage (Also has Void at Level 3). Then, Theorosa heals it with Triage. Obviously not useful for low mana battles because of Ha’on’s high Mana cost, but this is always fun to do at high Mana battles.

Fallen Spectre gets Headwinds

I think Headwinds is one of the underrated abilities in this game. Unfortunately, it is also scarce: in Bronze and Silver, only Water’s Naga Windmaster has this. Multiple monsters, though, unlock this at Gold: one of them is Fallen Spectre.

I always use Fallen Spectre whenever possible, and it is maybe one of my favorite cards of all. Just 2 Mana cost with super high speed, flying, and Demoralize is a super good deal. Add the Headwinds to Demoralize at Gold, and this is just the debuff king. It’s like having Zintar and Contessa at once for just 2 Mana.

Honorable Mention

There are a lot of incredible abilities available at Gold, but the above is my personal top 3. Others that are also interesting but didn’t make the top are:

  • Lord of Darkness gets Shield
  • The Gorlodon gets Enrage
  • Soulstorm gets Headwinds
  • Cursed Slimeball gets Redemption

What are your favorite abilities being unlocked as you transition from one league to the next?

Discord - dalapiso#4830
