

Hi everyone, Welcome to my post regarding the "SHARE YOUR BATTLE" Challenge. For this week's challenge, I'll be sharing my battles using Spirit Hoarder in the MODERN Golden League

In this battle, I used a level 2 Spirit Hoarder (Although in the Golden League I should be able to use a level 3 Legendary card). But because I borrowed a deck from one of the players on the NFTYARCADE platform, so I only obtained a level 2 Legendary card.

At level 1, Spirit Hoarder has a TRIAGE ability that can heal monsters that are not in the first position. So it is suitable for healing ally monsters hit by attacks from SNIPE / SNEAK / OPPORTUNITY monsters, also suitable for healing ally monsters hit by Poison, Thorn, Magic Reflect, Return Fire, Backfire, Earthquake, etc.

At level 2, Spirit Hoarder gets the DISPEL ability which is able to remove buffs received by opponent monsters. And in the latest update, the ability of DISPEL was further improved by being able to remove the effects of BLOODLUST and MARTYR.


And for this battle


I have to deal with opponents who rely on Ranged monsters with General Sloan as the summoner. Whereas I rely on Immortalis as a summoner, where he is quite useful for resisting attacks from magic monsters (which is not suitable for dealing with current opponents) and is able to destroy ARMOR instantly when facing opponents who have a lot of ARMOR.

If I just look at the selection of summoners, monsters, and formations, I might be at a slight disadvantage because the SPEED of most of my monsters is low and the total number of attacks is outnumbered by my opponent's.

But if you look at the ruleset...


Fire and Regret = all monsters in the battle arena will get the RETURN FIRE ability. This ability will be useful to return fire to ranged monsters when hit by attacks from that type of monster. And in this battle, the opponent used a lot of Ranged monsters. So the opponent did not benefit from the Ruleset.

Reverse Speed = The monster with the lowest SPEED gets to attack first. AND almost all of my monsters have lower SPEED than the opponent's monsters. I benefit from this ruleset.

Briar Patch = all monsters in the battle arena will get the THORN ability. This ability will be useful to provide a counterattack to melee monsters when hit by attacks from that type of monster. And in this battle, I only brought 1 Melee monster and that monster has SHIELD, so it will only receive half of the THORN effect.


My Line-Up

+ Reduce 1 Health Point to All Enemies

+ add VOID and SHATTER abilities to All Allies
As I explained earlier, the reason I use Immortalis is to withstand the monster's Magic attack and destroy the ARMOR of the monster instantly (suitable for fighting monsters that have a lot of ARMOR, have VOID ARMOR or SHIELD ability).
Shield (Lv1)Mycelic Infantry if it only relies on SHIELD, it is only useful for withstanding attacks from Melee and Ranged Monsters. But if it gets an additional VOID from Immortalis, it will also be able to withstand attacks from Magic monsters.
Protect (Lv1)
+ Amplify (Lv2)
I originally chose Queen Mycelia just to add ARMOR to all my monsters. But my opponent this time uses Ranged monsters in the FIRE AND REGRET Ruleset, her second ability (AMPLIFY) will be quite useful to speed up the downfall of the opponent's Ranged monsters.
Repair (Lv1)The Scavo Hireling is only in charge of repairing ARMOR mainly belonging to the Mycelic Infantry.
Triage (Lv1)
+ Dispel (Lv2)
This time I assigned Spirit Hoarder to heal the monster that will be turned into a sacrifice. so that the monster can survive a little longer before being turned into a sacrifice.
Martyr (Lv1)The only Ranged monster I carry and the one I'm going to ban (if this monster loses). with that ability, it is able to provide additional power to the surrounding monsters when it loses.
Flying (Lv1)This time regal Peryton was only the fulfillment of this formation.








To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


STRATEGY (Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?)

I got the win this time due to luck. It was like my opponent didn't see what Ruleset was available and just chose to use the best formation he had(?). I also felt lucky that I brought Mycelic Infantry and Scavo Hireling. Because with them, I could defend against Ranged monster attacks using SHIELD and REPAIR (to restore lost ARMOR).

For future strategy, I will probably swap my 2 monsters, Fungus Flinger and Regal Peryton (which are "less " useful in this battle) with Goblin Psychic (which can be useful to heal Mycelic Infantry) and random 2 Mana monsters (Xenith Archer or Princess Khmer or something else).

Do you like Spirit Hoarder?

I didn't like it much in this battle because of its almost "invisible " role. However, in other battles (such as when using a monster's TAUNT and putting it in the very last position OR when dealing with monsters that have BLOODLUST or benefit from MARTYR) maybe Spirit Hoarder would be quite useful. But unfortunately that "opportunity " hasn't come to me yet (or maybe I just didn't realize it?).


That was the post SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

Thanks to:
