[ESP-ENG] Market opportunities you can't miss



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Todo jugador de Splinterlands que haya entrado al ecosistema a inicios de Chaos Legion o antes incluso, sabe que el mercado ha ido cayendo bastante, impulsado en gran parte por el bear market en el que estamos actualmente en todo el mundo cripto. Muchos en este punto huyen despavoridos vendiendo desesperadamente todo para tratar de obtener la menor cantidad de ''perdidas'' posibles.

Yo pienso que los que saben aprovechar este momento son los que luego en subida estan celebrando.

Este post no es un consejo de inversion, si no mi forma de ver el mercado y los objetivos que para mi son oportunidades que no te puedes perder.

Any Splinterlands player who entered to this ecosystem at least on the beginning of Chaos Legion edition or even a little before that, like a year ago, knows that the market has been dropping quite a bit, driven in large part by the bear market we are currently in across the crypto world. Many at this point flee in terror desperately selling everything to try to get the least amount of ''losses'' possible.

I think that those who know how to take advantage of this moment are the ones who are then on the rise celebrating.

This post is not an investment advice, but my way of seeing the market and the objectives that for me are opportunities that you can not miss.

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Cartas Rewards | Rewards Cards

Fuente - Source

SplinterStats es una gran herramienta en la que puedes ver, entre otras cosas, el porcentaje de impresion actual de las cartas Reward. Actualmente hay 6 cartas que pasaron el 90% de su impresion y 4 de ellas tienen un precio de aproximadamente 1 centavo.

Pero eso no es todo. Fijate en esta imagen:

SplinterStats is a great tool for you where you can see, among many other things, the current printing percentage of the actual and pasts Reward cards editions. Currently there are 6 cards that passed 90% of their printing and 4 of them have a price of about 1 cent.

But that is not all. Take a look at this image:


Todas las cartas de la lista de SplinterStats tienen muchas versiones a la mitad de su precio minimo por BCX.

Es mas que obvio que todas las cartas de esa lista son una oportunidad increible de compra, cuando estas cartas estaban recientes de haber sido lanzadas y el mercado continuaba en alza, un Pelacor Conjurer costaba alrededor de 20 centavos, ahora vale menos de 2.

Ademas en las ultimas 4 semanas la carta ha estado subiendo de precio, algo normal teniendo tan cerca el 100% de su impresion.

Puedes maxear estas cartas por precios entre 2$ y 4$. Si hay un momento para comprar es este, las cartas de la lista de SplinterStats se pueden comprar ahora mismo por 6.25 DEC cuando su precio de quema es de 5 DEC.

All of the Rewards cards on the SplinterStats list have many versions at even the half of their minimum price per BCX.

It is more than obvious that all the Rewards cards on that list are an incredible buying opportunity, when these cards were recently released and the market continued to rise, a Pelacor Conjurer cost around 20 cents, now it is worth less than 2.

Also in the last 4 weeks the card has been going up in price, which is normal as it is close to 100% printed.

With this numbers you can max out these cards for prices between $2 and $4. If there is a time to buy is now, the cards on the SplinterStats list can be bought right now for 6.25 DEC when their burn price is 5 DEC.



Luego de las cartas con el porcentaje mas alto, le siguen las segundas con el mayor porcentaje, que son todas las de la imagen de arriba, de las cuales destaco a todas las Venaris, cartas super utiles y muy poderosas. ¿Recuerdas cuando 1 BCX de Venari Wavesmith costaba 5$? pues ahora vale 0.02$.

Por otro lado, las cartas epicas que tienen este alto porcentaje de impresion tambien tienen una relacion excelente de precio. Y no solo en sus versiones regulares, en algun momento yo misma vi a Djinn Chwala costar cerca de 100$ en su version dorada y ahora puedes comprar una por tan solo 2.5$.

After the cards with the highest percentage, the second with the highest percentage follow, which are all the ones in the image above, of which I highlight all the Venaris, super useful and very powerful cards. Remember when 1 BCX of Venari Wavesmith cost 5$? well, now it is worth 0.02$.

On the other hand, the epic cards on the list that have this high percentage of printing near 80% and with just 20% left, also have an excellent price ratio. And not only in their regular versions, at some point I myself saw Djinn Chwala cost close to 100$ in its gold version and now you can buy one for only 2.5$.


Y por ultimo... ¿Estabas aquí cuando 1 BCX de Djinn Oshannus costaba 80$? Mira el precio ahora. el 25% del precio mas alto que tuvo es lo que cuesta ahora llevarla a su máximo nivel. Algo que en ese momento costaría cerca de 900$.

Ademas Harklaw y Djinn Biljka son dos cartas que al principio no eran tan importantes pero con la aparicion de nuevas ediciones y nuevas cartas se han hecho mucho mas atractivas, a mi por ejemplo me encanta la combinacion de Harklaw con Dallan, el invocador de muerte de Ritfwatchers.

And last but not least... Were you here when 1 BCX of Djinn Oshannus cost 80$? Look at the price now. 25% of the highest price it had is what it costs now to bring it to its maximum level. Something that at that time would cost close to 900$.

Also Harklaw and Djinn Biljka are two Reward cards that at the beginning were not so important but with the appearance of new editions and new cards have become much more attractive, I for example love the combination of Harklaw with Dallan, the death summoner of Ritfwatchers.

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Chaos Legion


  • Invocadores

Todos los invocadores raros estan a precios increibles. Yo personalmente he vendido 1 BCX de General Sloan por 10$ y ahora vale cerca de 1$. Todos excepto Kelya estan por debajo de los 2$. En el caso de los invocadores Legendarios recuerdo haber visto a Quix the Devious cerca de 30$ por BCX y ahora vale 17$, que es un descenso importante en su precio.

Ademas la edicion Chaos Legion esta cada vez mas cerca de terminarse, con solo un 28.2% disponible segun Splintercards y con un poco mas del 50% de packs abiertos.

  • Summoners

All rare summoners are at incredible prices. I personally sold 1 BCX of General Sloan for 10$ on the past months and now it is worth on the market is about 1$. All except Kelya are under 2$. In the case of the Legendary summoners I remember seeing Quix the Devious for about 30$ per BCX and now he is worth 17$, which is a significant drop in price.

Also the Chaos Legion edition is getting closer and closer to being finished, with only 28.2% available according to Splintercards and with just over 50% of packs open.


  • Packs Chaos Legion

Quedan pocos disponibles, y están a mas del 50% de su precio original que era de 4$. Eso por si solo ya es una oportunidad de oro. Si eso no te termina de convencer recuerda entonces que comprando DEC en Tribaldex y enviándolo al juego puedes comprar un pack en la tienda oficial por 1.74$ que contará para los airdrops, recuerda que todavía faltan 4.

En comparación, un pack Untamed vale ahora mismo cerca de 15$, que es un X10 de lo que vale uno de Chaos Legion.

  • Chaos Legion Packs

There are only a few available, and they are more than 50% off their original price which was 4$. That alone is a golden opportunity. If that doesn't convince you then remember that by buying DEC at Tribaldex and sending it to the game you can buy a pack at the official store for 1.74$ that will count towards the airdrops, remember that there are still 4 left.

In comparison, an Untamed pack is currently worth about 15$, which is X10 of what a Chaos Legion pack is worth.


  • ¿Cartas Chaos Legion o Packs?

Podrías comprarte 1 BCX de cada una de las cartas de la edición Chaos Legion y gastar apenas 156$. Todas versiones regulares (no doradas) y por supuesto, a nivel 1. Ahora mismo eso serian 99 cartas.

  • Chaos Legion Cards or Packs?

You could buy right now 1 BCX of each one of the Chaos Legion edition cards and spend only 156 dollars. This is all regular versions (not gold foil) and of course, at level 1. Right now that would be 99 cards.


Si gastas 156$ en packs comprando DEC en el mercado secundario podrias comprar unos 89 packs, que traeran 445 cartas en total. La probabilidad de obtener 25 legendarias entre esas 445 la verdad no la veo posible, pero eso se compensaría con la probabilidad de que cada carta sea dorada y por supuesto, cada una de las 445 puede ser una legendaria dorada. Estos son los datos estadisticos que arroja Splintercards sobre abrir 89 packs (sin comprar las pociones).

If you spend those 156 dollars on Chaos Legion packs buying DEC on the secondary market you could buy about 89 packs, which will bring 445 cards in total. The probability of getting 25 legendaries among those 445 is not really possible, but that would be compensated by the probability of each card being golden and of course, each of the 445 can be a golden legendary. These are the statistics that Splintercards gives about opening 89 packs (without buying the potions).


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Cartas Doradas | Gold Foil Cards


Las cartas doradas todos sabemos que valen mucho, incluso ahora con estos mercados tan bajos. ¿Pero hay oportunidad en ellas? yo pienso que si.

Empezando por los Fiends de Chaos Legion, que ahora mismo valen entre 23$ y 27$ y en comparacion con Furious Chicken, que es la unica carta con 0 de mana aparte de estas y que vale 65$ ahora mismo en su version dorada, hay una gran oportunidad de compra ahi.

We all know that gold foil cards always worth a lot of money, even now with these low markets on actual times, but is there an opportunity in them? I think so.

Starting with Chaos Legion Fiends, which right now are worth between $23 and $27 and compared to Furious Chicken, which is the only card with 0 mana other than these and is worth $65 right now in its gold version, there is a great buying opportunity there.


Todas las cartas doradas son excelentes opciones por lo que ya mencione arriba sobre sus versiones regulares. Eso tambien aplica aqui y es que cuando dejen de imprimirse van a revalorizarse bastante y ademas como ya dije tambien, son excelentes para tu mazo porque aparte de ser muy fuertes y combinarse muy bien, tambien te daran bono por victoria.

All gold cards are excellent options because of what I mentioned above about their regular versions. That also applies here and that is that when they stop being printed they are going to revalue a lot and also as I also said, they are excellent for your deck because besides being very strong and combine very well, they will also give you bonus for victory.


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Conclusiones | Conclusions

El mercado de Splinterlands en general esta bajo, como todo lo que se relacione con criptomonedas. Tu decides si este es tu momento de entrar al juego o que quizas pase el tren y te quedes fuera.

Como dije al principio esto no es un consejo de inversion, siempre haz tus propias investigaciones y si quieres podemos debatirlo aqui en los comentarios.

¡Hasta luego!

The whole Splinterlands market in general is low prices, as everything related to cryptocurrencies at this moment. You decide if this is your time to get into the game or that maybe the train will pass and you will be left out.

As I said at the beginning this is not an investment advice, always do your own research and if you want we can debate it here in the comments.

See you later!


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