RE: The Next 60 Days Are Critical For Splinterlands...


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I agree there are a lot of challenges, but one thing to look at is that there was a roadmap. They've followed it prety close for years. Then we went from 5K active users to over 200K in less than two months. That is a huge inlux and they didn't have the staff ready to handle such a huge influx over a short amouont of time. It is incredible they are still being able to release cards and things work for the most part. I'm cutting them a little slack with all of the new players coming, but like I said, the next 60 days are critical... for solving the issues you have and other growing pains. I do not think this is a rug pull. I've been here for 2 and a half years, and this is a solid team and I trust they'll figure it out.
