PeakMonsters Modern Filter and Improvements


PeakMonsters Homepage.png

19th Mar 2022. There are some significant changes to PeakMonsters that I wasn’t expecting.

These improvements to quality of life are always welcomed by players in the community.

Modern Filter in Buy Market

This is the most impressive improvement on this list by far.

Splinterlands has been working on the Modern format for some time now, allowing newer players to build a feasible deck to compete in the leaderboards.

Modern format includes Chaos Legion, Dice, Untamed, and some Rewards cards.

No Alpha, no Beta, no Promo cards.

New filters PeakMonsters 1.png

Divide among the Rewards Cards

Because Rewards Cards span across multiple editions, some are included in Modern while others are not.

Popular YouTubers have been explaining how to differentiate them; Those Rewards not in Chaos Legion but with broken lines at the bottom are in Modern. Otherwise, they are only playable in Wild.

Sounds confusing?

I was pretty confused too until PeakMonsters’ new filter came in.

Here’s a visual representation of what this means:

Chaos Legion Rewards Modern Splinterlands 1.png

Chaos Legion Rewards Card: In Modern

Not Chaos Legion Rewards Modern Splinterlands.png

Not Chaos Legion Rewards Card: In Modern

Only Wild Rewards Splinterlands.png

Only Wild Rewards Card: Not in Modern

This new filter makes finding relevant Modern cards easier and less ambiguous for new players like me. Kudos to the PeakMonsters team!

Bid button in Compare Mode

The new Bid button has been included in the Compare View mode.

No need to click “Grid” -> Find card -> “Bid” -> “Make bid” anymore.

If you are confident with your bids, it’s so much faster now.

New Bid button in Compare PeakMonsters.png

Price Gap option in Compare Mode

You can find it when you change the price filter on the left-hand side.

Only available for Tier 5 PeakMonsters accounts though.

No idea what it does yet, and it’s a looong way to Tier 5 for me.

New Price Gap in Compare PeakMonsters.png

Quality of life improvements

It feels good to see positive changes that help players navigate the system. It shows that the developers care for the players.

And it’s a good sign that PeakMonsters are working to reflect the changes coming to Splinterlands.

I’m feeling hopeful for the Splinterlands and PeakMonsters developers to bring us in the right direction in the future.


Price Gap and others like it will eventually be available with PKM. Just have to get PKM fully launched and do a couple other things first.

Love the post btw


Nice post and good explanations of new features. Will share this on Splinterlands Digest Twitter.
