HMX Staking and HLP Staking and Incentives with L/S strategy for CF


Would your Splinterlands earnings that are not re invested in the game be way better off outside the game in a combination like this: put the majority of the funds in GMX,HMX, and short all the components with usdc .9x collateral to get the high 30-80% short funding fee on top of a blended hmx/gmx fees of 40% apr paid in eth and usdc, usdb, esHMX, PYTH and ARB. which would get you a pretty stable apr and relatively stable hedged principle amount at 70-120% APR in mostly eth and usdc and 75% eth would get staked to increase income and the usdc would be used as money to use for funding for 25% and 75% for short collateral and the eth would be used to pair with sps and add sps to the game which could be used to grow the stake and the usdc would be cashed out.

You could also make is less complex and use all the income for reinvestment and the assets would have been much more stable than having sps all year as the main way to fund spl it would have been better to take say half and put it into something like above outside of spl and then use it to buy when cheap and grow when expensive to have more dry powder when cheap again rather than get squeezed by one token that can be really hedged like the others can either and the yield doesn't come close on it unless you get it really cheap and it goes up and stays there but chances are better off diversifying with some outside spl to bring high yield un related cashflow as it would still be around if the game didn't exist.

Below is HMX one of the exchanges that has a long short option as well as a pretty high yield governance token as there is a airdrop currently going on of a bunch of tokens.

I have only been testing it with small amounts of money before I move large amounts into these things so I am comfortable with what I'm doing when there is say 50K on the line instead.

HMX below is built on top of or links with GMX to the GM ETHUSD and BTCUSD pools which must be bought on GMX then sold for HLP the fund of multiple coins and in this case right now its is btc and eth and that makes only using this maybe a easier option to only short btc and eth instead of 10 diff ones. Also the yield due to the air drops on hmx is almost 80% and HLP with shorts will be 80%-90% on the long and short capital making it easy to be market neutral and get high fees. Will be starting this with much more money likely on both GMX and HMX as well as aave, compound and maker dao so that were using tested protocols not new ones with tons of money. This set up would allow me to get say if i put 50k in about 40k out to fund spl and other things which the lps would be much more volatile in spl and these are well known main stream assets like eth, btc and usdc etc that were getting as fees or interest. I would almost say your better off except for what you need to stake to play to have only that in sps then the rest in other protocols to diversify. Use the extra income to rent the decks you want instead of taking on the risk of owning every card and own the most valuable ones that retain the most value and rent well. That will lower the risk and size of your account and enable you to keep it sustainably funded as long as your have the cash you need each year to fund the protocols. This with 50000 would bring in about 30K in income and that would be enough to fund the game and then use it for other things and the lps in the game are a bit riskier especially now the rewards are less. Doing something like this if you can would allow you to fund your gaming a a lot easier than leaving to much capital locked up now as you want that cash flow to be able to buy at bottoms and not be at one to.

