An Exclusive Interview with Wrestling Legend Justin Credible: A Character Of The WOO Game and A New Hiver.

We were privileged to have a Discord meeting with Justin Credible (Peter Joseph Polaco) on November 7, 2023 on the WOO Discord Page Our very own visionary of WOO (Wrestling Organization Online) conducted the interview, giving us the opportunity to ask Justin any question regarding his time as a wrestler.

Meeting Justin Credible:

In the opening, Justin spoke about his time working with the Undertaker (Mark Calaway) and Chris Jericho (Christopher Keith Irvine) in the mid-90s and how cool that experience was.

Joining WOO as an NFT:

I asked if he is happy to join the WOO game as an NFT and a character in the game. He enthusiastically responded, expressing that it's an incredible pleasure to be part of this project. As a result, we now have Raven, Perry Saturn, and Justin Credible as partnered wrestlers in the WOO game. This stands as a testament to the fulfillment of WOO's mission, which is to support these remarkable individuals who dedicated themselves to entertaining us and keeping us on the edge of our seats while we were growing up.

Justin's Current Projects:

Again, I inquired about his upcoming projects or goals in the world of wrestling and beyond. He shared a heartwarming response with the entire WOO community, stating that his current project is to actively participate in the WOO community here on Hive. Additionally, I was pleased to hear that Booker announced that he has finally created a Hive account, @pjpolaco, and is now a "hiver" or "hivian," whichever term you prefer.

Wrestling Industry Challenges:

Booker, as the interviewer, raised the topic of the financial challenges wrestlers encounter. It came as a surprise to me that even in the WWE, the largest wrestling company globally, wrestlers are responsible for covering their own expenses such as hotels and transportation to the arena, with the company only providing flight tickets to the city. This revelation shed light on the fact that a significant portion of a wrestler's income is allocated towards taxes and other expenditures. Justin explained that in the past, there was a common misconception that all wrestlers made substantial incomes, except perhaps for individuals like the Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. However, in reality, there was a high likelihood that, after meeting these expenses following a match, a substantial portion of their paycheck would be depleted. This financial challenge was one of the difficulties he encountered through his career, highlighting that even as a wrestler, after putting your life and health on the line, financial stability could also be placed.

Justin's Inspiration:

This made me wonder about the next question: What inspired Justin Credible to become a wrestler? And, just like many successful people in his field would say, he explained that it all stemmed from his deep love for the sport. He spoke about his younger days when he attended wrestling events, looking around the arena with numerous questions in his mind. He often wondered why one part of the audience was cheering loudly while another remained quiet. His experiences revealed to us his remarkable curiosity and intense passion, not just for the actual wrestling matches, but for the entire wrestling industry.


Connecting with Booker:

@stekene asked this vital question: How did Justin Credible get to know Booker or @wrestorgonline? Booker explained that he reached out to Justin by sending him a message on X, where they discussed the WOO project - Wrestling Organization Online. Justin quickly embraced the idea and felt right at home with it, becoming a part of this exciting game within the Hive community. I want to take this opportunity to welcome @pjpolaco (Justin Credible) to our beautiful universe Hive and to our incredible community WOO. You are a true legend and you placed smiles on our faces while growing up.

Creating a Compelling Wrestling Character:

I asked once more about Justin's approach to crafting a captivating wrestling character. Justin's response was terrific. He emphasized that the key is to be authentic and enjoy the process, avoiding trying to portray something that doesn't come naturally. Booker chimed in, stating, "Yes, if you pretend to be someone you're not, you might slip up and act out of character, and the wrestling fans will notice." Thus, the key is to be a character that aligns with your true self. It's worth noting that a similar sentiment was shared by Roman Reigns in an interview I watched on YouTube. Roman Reigns' perspective echoed Justin Credible's awesome insights.

Facing Hardcore Matches:

One of our Discord community members asked a significant question: Has Justin ever felt scared during hardcore matches? Justin answered, explaining that, like any skill, the more you practice, the better you become. He admitted that there were matches that made him nervous, but he stressed that, as a good wrestler, the key is to improve your mental readiness for the match.



These are the few parts I recall of what was discussed during the session. The good news is that the conversation was recorded, and a transcribed version will be made available by @wrestorgoline. To stay updated, you can follow him. Furthermore, as I mentioned at the beginning, the exciting news in our Discord community is that Justin now has an official Hive account under @pjpolaco. I encourage everyone to follow him and look forward to the valuable content he'll be sharing with us.


Here's a bonus for you, the last words @pjpolaco left with his new Found Family yesterday was a WOO money shot catch phrase.

Tackle Drop-down Hiptoss

☝️ This catchphrase has the power to make you rich. Trust me I know what am saying. "If you want some, come get some" in our discord page

Thanks for visiting my page. Have a WOO-nderful day!!!!


Thanks for mentioning me!
Thanks for asking these awesome questions!
Even more thanks for typing out an overview of (part of) the interview, much appreciated!
