
The monster for this week's battle challenge is: MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN , if you don't already know this weekly challenge promoted by @splinterlands access the post: SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN.

A rare earth element monster, it belongs to the same species as Mycelic Queen, Infantry and Morphoid, I still don't know what kind of animal it was based on and reading about it in the history of the respective monsters it was not clear at all maybe they are types of fungi created by the queen.
There's an interesting text created by @underlock about how to avoid the scattered damage known as "mitigation" in certain battles, and using monsters with the Taunt skill makes this possible, you can read the full text here: MITIGATE DAMAGE - SPLINTERLANDS [ PT-BR/ENG].

I'm not occasionally using the Earth element in my battles so I have few high level monsters to be able to show a battle worthy of not being a total failure, however I decided to at least rent the monster in its gold plated version just for an attraction more, as it only gains one more point in life and it has a significant increase after level 4.

Summoner: Quix the Devious

Unicorn Mustang
Chaos Dragon
Sand Worm
Mycelic Slipspawn

Round 1

At first I was lucky to use the summoner that reduced my opponent's ranged attack by -1, since if it wasn't for him getting attacks from Pelacor Arbalest it's not pleasant for a target without armor that in this case was mine Mycelic Slipspawn, I didn't have any problems with a bigger attack until we managed to defeat the Shieldbearer, I still don't understand why some players tend to use a perfect tank like him outside of their front line, this could have a better result since with it he lost an attacking monster and well Uriel has this big crap that he can stop with only 1 armor.

Round 2

The second round was just to continue with my devastating attack with Chaos Dragon, the interesting thing is that at his level 2 he gets the ability Blast this in conjunction with Scattershot gives him the bonus of hitting 3 monsters at once, depending from the situation you can eliminate the 3 although I only managed to defeat 2, this time without armor Uriel the Purifier managed to hit me with his monstrous damage and went back to sleep, little did he know he wouldn't be able to enjoy it until the next turn since my composition with Sneak managed to eliminate the opponent's damage dealers.

Round 3

That was the end for my opponent, my dragon finished finishing their final sniper and still hit the tank leaving him with only 4 health, maybe if he had the next level and got the heal he would be able to turn this battle around ? To tell the truth, maybe he could do it for the reasons: high damage, possibility of dodging with Flying and healing, but it was enough for my worm to hit him just once to decree the end.

Battle Link

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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

Good content, although you need to improve your formatting a lot.
