Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

I have greetings splinterlands friends once again looking for new summoners to be always in positive duraste the battles that are always more with competitive and hard to win. This time I come looking for a damage that is caused under the ability of poison, I have rented the card waka spiritblade from the deck of death for two days 57.75 Dec, everything is a matter of testing strategies to reach as many battles in a row as possible. For your purchase, the cheapest card has a value of $299.00 at its level 4.

I have greetings splinterlands friends once again looking for new summoners to be always in positive duraste the battles that are always more with competitive and hard to win. This time I come looking for a damage that is caused under the ability of poison, I have rented the card waka spiritblade from the deck of death for two days 57.75 Dec, everything is a matter of testing strategies to reach as many battles in a row as possible. For your purchase, the cheapest card has a value of $299.00 at its level 4.

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The first battle we encounter with this summoner is one, mana 99 the most in this game mode, with the death condition that has few cards with good life, we have to use neutral cards, this bear ARKEMIS that always helps me. The opponent selects the double shield water deck, his summoner plus that while we see it in every deck with different ability.

La primera batalla que nos topamos con este invocador es una, maná 99 lo máximo en este modo de juego, con la condición de muerte que tiene pocas cartas con buena vida, tenemos que usar cartas neutrales, este oso ARKEMIS que siempre me ayuda. El oponente selecciona el mazo de agua doble escudo, su invocardor más ese rato que lo vemos en todos los mazo con diferente habilidad.

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Second batállala against the deck of life very well structured by the opponent mana 23 low for cards that are rarely used, I seek to enter the direct damage to his life with magic attack and poison the first card to fall is my last card very precious the attack of his last card making 3 of year my card very low in life with reduced agility really to see a second round so there is not much faith to win but as this game is uncertain anything is possible turns the scoreboard thanks to poison fell in line all his cards and managed to get the battle in positive

Segunda batállala en contra del mazo de vida muy bien estructurada por el oponente maná 23 baja para cartas que son poca vez usadas, busco entrar en el daño directo a su vida con ataque de magia y veneno la primera carta en caer es mi última carta muy preciosa el ataque de su última carta haciendo 3 de año mi carta muy baja en vida con reducción de agilidad de verdad que para ver un segundo round así no hay mucha fe de ganar pero como este juego es incierto todo es posible se le da la vuelta al marcador gracia al veneno cayeron en línea todas sus cartas y logramos sacar la batalla en positivo

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Third battle against a similar death deck was a fight that my opponent did not see any hope of winning, I did not lower a single one of my cards, all managed to activate the poison and I can give in positive If you cover the expectation to this death summoner can be alternated in battles of low mana as when you have a lot of mana gives extra damage of 2 points in each element that activates the damage is essential to know here in it falls Vi attacks where he does not fall here in was attacked but if the other which can draw a card that is bajita and eliminate it at once. I hope you like these recommendations and continue to look for ways to come out positive in all your battles.

Tercera batalla en contra de un mazo similar de muerte se dio una lucha que mi oponente no se me veía ninguna esperanza de ganar, no bajo ni una sola de mis cartas, todas lograron activar el veneno y se puedo dar en positivo Si cubre la expectativa al este invocador de muerte se puede alternar en batallas de baja mana como cuando tienes mucha mana da un daño extra de 2 puntos en cada elemento que se activa el daño es imprescindible saber aquí en le cae Vi ataques donde no él cae aquí en se atacó pero si al otro lo cual puede sacar una carta que esté bajita y eliminarla de una vez. Espero que le guste estas recomendaciones y sigan buscando la manera de salir en positivo en todas sus batallas.

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Los Recursos para la creación del Post

En cuanto a las imágenes son fotos tomadas de facebook y instagram editadas en canva.com

La traducion al indioma ingles es parte de https://www.deepl.com/translator en su version gratuita

Las imágenes en formato git fueron creadas en pixlr.com y animadas en http://giphy.com

The resources for the creation of the post

The images are photos taken from facebook and instagram edited in canva.com

The english translation is part of https://www.deepl.com/ translator in its free version.

The images in git format were created in pixlr.com and animated in http://giphy.com


Ese invocador es uno que quiero en mi mazo, se ve muy bueno en verdad.
