The Ancient Wyrm, Rage!

The New Airdrop



The new Legendary card Rage is a representation of the first Airdrop, which has recently taken place. This card is useful in battles with high mana costs because it costs 16 mana. This level 1 legendary card can fly and has a Void defense against magic, which allows it to negate one magic damage. Therefore, even if your monster does one magic damage, it will not be able to pierce this monster. The downside of this is that it cannot be used for ranked or brawl battles when battles begin with low mana costs, such as 12 or 13. Technically, this monster cannot be played because it is a 16 Mana Cost Card. On the other hand, you can maximize its potential potency if your battle begins in 100. Consider that having 12 Health Level 1 Monster is a significant advantage for defenses. Four Magic Damage is simply too much. Flying Ability is quite strong in playing Earthquake Regulations.


You can upgrade this card to unlock some of its abilities if you commit to it. Look at the level 2 Rage card. It has Weapons training, so if you've paired it with a non-aggressor card, the Martyr's Ability will allow it to do some magical damage. Weapons Training has a maximum damage offer of 3, therefore the only buff that Rage can contribute is 3 magic damage against non-attacker monsters that are next to him. If you are playing in the Gold League Division, you should level up your card to level 3. At that point, you may unlock the Life Leech ability, which allows you to absorb life from an opponent's monster after it has attacked and regrowth its vitality. therefore if you can advance this card to level 3, it's still a wise investment. Whenever you strengthen it to level 4, you may play as a champion league player and acquire an ability called Affliction, which lets your opponent's monster deliver injury that it is unable to heal. There was a 50% possibility that the opponent card would be affected by this ability.

I believe this card's design is great and unique; it fits the style beautifully. Let's now discuss this card briefly based on the story I've read. Red Rage has been the patriarch of his flight of red dragons. He took control of Mount Redwyrm long before the Splintering, even before the Tai Kalayne. He has multiplied his children over the ages and gathered enough fortune to outshine the nations with the greatest wealth by a factor of a hundredth. He seemed pleased to learn more about this world and all the other worlds and planes of existence while gazing at his endless piles of priceless metals and diamonds.

Mantaroth, who ranked second in the Chaos Legion after Silus of the Rift, offered the ancient red wyrm an alliance. Rage was promised immense riches in return for putting down any possible revolutions. These priceless possessions included artworks, antiques, and divine relics that the Splinterlands had never seen before and that were gathered from many nations that had fallen. Over the mountains, plains, and woods of the Broken Lands, Rage's fly of red dragons, destroy anyone who would abandon their allegiance to the empire and demand things in exchange for a place to live regardless of commitment.

My Contribution :

Now is the moment for me to take steps to join the Airdrop. My contribution for 30 days is 72k points. I believe that I made incorrect decisions in engaging in this event since I only purchased one wagon and have two cards to utilize in the conflict. I don't have enough power or chances to make a significant commitment to this airdrop event. I acknowledge that my current workload has prevented me from fully engaging in the event. I thus have little chance of receiving this amazing card. I only had eight chances, so it could just be luck or a no-rewards system.


I just saw a sorry note when I clicked the Check Rewards, which is unfortunate in theory but also painful because I was unable to get more wagons and points to take part in the event.


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