Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Challenge - Armored Up



Image from @splinterlands

Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage secrets challenge for this week. I will be sharing one of my battles. For this battle, I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for this battle.


Battle Rulesets

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngAll monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor set

My enemy's Lineup



Summoner chosen


For this battle, I selected the Obsidian summoner because I wanted to use magic attack monsters. Also, I went for Obsidian because the first monster I wanted to use had a higher melee with this summoner.


Battle Tactics

As always I checked my enemy's battle history and what was helpful was that my enemy liked using monsters who attack the enemy's last monster.

Because I thought my enemy liked melee attack monsters, I decided to use the Terraceous Grunt who only attacks in the first position and also has the dodge ability.


Terraceous Grunt in first position


I selected Queen Mycelia for third position because I wanted to get extra 2 armor for my monsters in addition to the one the ruleset would give. I did that because I anticipated my enemy would bring melee monsters.


Queen Mycelia in third position


It's always good to have a healer in your line up so I decided to select Goblin Psychin to heal my first monster. The advantage with Goblin Psychic is that it also attacks and with the +1 magic from obsidian, I would render -3 health damage.


Goblin Psychic in fifth position


Like I already mentioned, my enemy's battle history suggested monsters that attacked last units so I selected Regal Peryton for my last position because it has the ability to dodge attacks from monsters without the flying ability.


Regal Peryton in last position

In case my enemy's unit got the better of my other monsters instead of the first, I decided to select Spirit Hoarder who has the ability to heal monsters in the backline who have taken the most damage.


Spirit Hoader in fourth position


After these selections, I had 1 mana left and so I decided to go with Mycelic Morphid who has the thorns effect.


Mycelic Morphid in second position


Battle Details

Summoner and unit buffs took effect and the battle began.

The summoner choice and team selection didn't prove to be very effective. Looking at the teams, I kind of thought I stood a chance till the battle began.


Attacks were rendered to both teams and at the end of round 1,
no monster was killed from either team. What also helped him was because the summoner gave my enemy the shatter ability and void.

As round 2 continued, my enemy killed 2 of my monsters and I killed none.


At the end of round 3, 2 more of my monsters were killed and I still killed none.


At the end of round 4, I had only my last monster remaining and knew before that I had lost the battle. I was defeated by my enemy in 5 rounds and killing none of my enemy's monsters.


Here is my battle link. Watch here how I lost to my enemy.

All images used are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
