Earthen Combat Style - Battle Mage Secret - Briar Patch


Great Warriors of Splinterlands,

How are you doing?

You are ready for the wave of fire coming your way.

This week, battle mage is going to generate heat under your seat.
I hope you are fastened your seat bell, the arena is opening the doors.

The main ruleset in this challenge of the mage is Briar Patch

Let's share each team of fighters present in the arena.

Battle Ruleset:

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Even Stevens: Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks

Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability



Earth warriors never fought so nice on the battlefield. I was impressed with the following composition of fighters in the arena.

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  • Winner Team

Mycelic Infantry
Grimbardun SmithRuni
Queen MyceliaGoblin Psychic
Doctor Blight

This selection was very successful to protect all his fighters. It is a rare occasion the fighters offered the view when Runi appeared in the arena.


The shield of protection on all the earth warriors gave them a nice buffer to deploy the offensive melee attacks regardless of the thorns.
Void ability on all friendly warriors did a really good protective action against the major type of attacks coming from the opposite side of the board.


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  • Team Surviving the heat


Thaddius Brood
Will-o-WispSkok Duskblight
Grimbardun Smith
Venari BonesmithKain Hace

Thaddius cards were all skilled in the art of magical strikes. It was not easy in my first analysis to counter the magic damage, but Immortalis brought the solution in the arena.

  • Battle Plan

My mind was blown as the Earth team spread their green energy in the arena. All abilities on the side to the green teams were perfectly aligned to the ruleset. Void and Triage were the defensive solution against the Death elemental assaults. The offensive was represented with the melee warriors. The thorns damage was compensate with the extra armor shield present in the abilities on earth cards.
The strategy was to slowly destroy the opposition with limited consequences. Immortalis saved his warriors from magical complete destruction.

  • What happens in the arena?

Thaddius was sure that the opposition would not bring melee fighter in the arena due to the Briar Patch ruleset. In the case the opposition fell into the trap, the reduction of magic attack and heart point would have put Thaddius team in a great advantage.
Immortalis was the best counter strategy in this battle. The protection against magic attacks and additional damage from thorn were nicely designed in the green selection.

Warm regards


Great post friend. Which summoner do you like the most?


One of my best choice for summoner is ARCHMAGE ARIUS for any type of combat. He is a king in his arena.
I could say that Immortalis in my article is my favorite choice in the arena in the case of this specific battle.
