Magic OverPowered Melee - Battle Mage Secret - Armored Up


Splinterlands all across lands, Happy New Year

I hope that you are doing well in this first week of 2024

I got my fingers on one of the best battle in game this week. Magic warriors opposed a melee team composed of giants.

It was predictible to fortell the outcome of this challenge in the arena, but the less advantage side did not leave in quiet.

Battle Ruleset:

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Armored Up: All Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat.

Born Again: All Monsters have the Rebirth ability.

Super Sneak: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.

Mana 47


I have not seen a melee team so strong in the arena against magic warriors equally as strong as the opposition. The rules offered support to all shield available fighter in the arena but the life points were not as safe as you would think.

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  • Winner Team
DeviousVoid Dragon
Venator KinjoNerissa Tridawn
Runemancer Kye
Chaos DragonVruz

I admire the power each card in the selection above demonstrates in the arena. I was so terrifiying that I started looking up for way to counter this combo.

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  • Team Surviving the heat


Flying Squid
Coastal SentryDoctor Blight
River HellondaleDumacke Orc

The player of the melee cards was certainly inspired by the ruleset presented before the launch in the arena.

  • Battle Plan

The magic counted on the fastest reduction of the opposition team life point to create the opportunity of victory.
It went very well after the stock of life point start to rapidly decrease in the arena. It took six rounds to impose one side rule on the battlefield.
Runemancer was almost unreachable by the opposition series of strikes. Void Dragon offered an interesting guard in face of all the struggle on the battlefield.

  • What happens in the arena?

The melee fought to the last card on the boards. Chaos Dragon delivered so many magic power strikes that the opposition backline could not stand the longer in the arena.
It was interesting to witness the evolution of all the cards in the arena.

Contest entry point to all

Warm regards


Yay! 🤗
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