The Pyramid Scheme of Pension



I read yesterday that the german federal government is planning to invest money in shares and etfs in order to secure pensions for the old and sick in the future. they have gone completely mad. pension is basically like pyramid scheme.
if new younger generation won't put money into it, it will not be able to pay the previous generation.
so basically the pensions portfolio managers are like the Luna/Tera types. 😹
here in NZ the govt is thinking to make pension money contribution by everyone as a mandatory thing.
There are huge number of citizens here who do not contribute to their pension plans.
that is why there is uncontrolled mass immigration in europe. europe is being rejuvenated so that the old people can get their pensions. fewer children are being born in germany, which is why the economy needs this immigration. To be honest I don't know what exactly is the cause of immigration. It seems very mixed reasons. The way it is being happening is also ugly. There are certainly many different interests in this, but the interest is not humanistic, I think.
social unrest is never good.
my pension or my inheritance will be crypto. you can no longer rely on government and promises. bitcoin and crypto in general can be a solution.
