What is your most powerful Splinterlands NFT card and why?

We want to know your choices and discover the reason behind them!

The vast collection of NFT cards in Splinterlands offers a wide range of unique abilities, strategies and combinations. From the most formidable creatures to the most powerful attacks, each card has its own unique ability and strategic value. 

The idea behind this is to open up a discussion, it would be great if you would share your most powerful NFT card and reveal to us why you consider it the jewel of your collection.

This opens up a great learning possibility for everyone, as we can learn about cards you may not have known existed.

Is your choice a high-level creature with devastating abilities that sweeps the battlefield? Or maybe you have a simple card that can completely turn the tide of a fight? Tell us how this particular card has proven to be a key factor in your victories and how you've harnessed its abilities to overcome your opponents.

Don't just mention the name of the card, we want to know more details! Share your favorite strategies and tactics, although this is not mandatory, as I understand that some don't like to reveal their strategies, but in the end we are a community of players and it's good to learn from each other.

I hope this question development will prompt the Splinterlands community to engage in a lively debate by sharing their most powerful NFT cards and the reasons behind their choice. Enjoy the responses and player interaction!

--- This question was created on [reverio.io](https://reverio.io), Reverio is a question and answer platform built exclusively for Hive. Answer this question on Reverio by clicking [here](https://Reverio.io/question/zonadigital21/what-is-your-most-powerful-splinterlands-nft-card-and-why-).


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The Ruler of the Seas is a fitting name for my most powerful Splinterlands NFT. And it is no surprise that water is my favorite Splinter. Very powerful when paired with summoner Alric.
What makes this monster powerful is his blast damage of 2 under optimal conditions. This can be doubled when all monsters have snipe. He just had to be protected, that's all.


This is a prime example, especially due to the similar strategy we used. I think we were pretty well matched! But like I said, protection is key, especially due to abilities like blast and snipe and even opportunist!

GG @tiagotw

Hopefully my guild, Third Eye Unruly, joins this contest too. Come on, @quiplet !



The water element is also my favorite, I almost always play with it, it has good magic cards, and one of them is the ruler, it's really cool that it has the ability to explode, it does good damage.

And this battle is great, you used good creatures and three of them with explosive attack, very good indeed. !LUV !PIZZA


I believe it is a reward card too so I was really happy to be able to find enough of them to level him up.
