Rank 323 at the Diamond Leaderboard!


Well I just noticed today that 'Collection Power Phase 3' update has been already released (and has been since the current season started XD) and what that means is LEADERBOARD for separate tier levels.

At the moment I am only currently rank at RANK #323 at the DIAMOND LEADERBOARD but I think I have a real shot in getting at least 5 UNTAMED PACKS on the Diamond leaderboard by ranking at least in the TOP 40 if I so decided not to advance to the next league (Yep! It is now a 'choice' whether one wants to advance to the next tier level (CHAMPION in this case) or not).


Judging by my Battle Rating for the past seasons, I usually normally get around a battle rating around 4300 so if I really do think I can at least get 5 UNTAMED PACKS (Rewards for top 26-40 on the DIAMOND LEADERBOARD) at the end of the season. Although atm I'm not sure if that is worth it. XD
