My Battle Weekly Challenge ( Dragons )


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Hello, Splinterlands Community Members,

This is my post for weekly battle challenge.


Edition : Any
Rarity : Any
Element : Dragon+Any
Attack : Any
Abilities : Any

Battle Rule

Mana Cost - 25
Available Element - All elements ( fire,water ,life ,death ,earth and dragon )

Line up and position,

Summoner - Drake of arnak + death splinter

Position 1 - Cursed Windeku
Position 2 - Death Elemental
Position 3 - Venari Bonesmith
Position 4 - Soul Strangler
Position 5 - Rift Wing
Position 6 - Carrion Shade

Drake of arnak

Drake of arnak is a dragon summoner. This summoner costs four mana, and it gives one armor to all the cards in the team.I choose death splinter for dragon summoner.

Cursed Windeku

Cursed windeku card costs six mana, and the card contains two melee attack , three speed and nine health.It has thorn ability. The card has thorn ability and it is a very good card to use in battles. It is also very good to use with dragon summoner.

Death Elemental

Death elemental costs three mana and it has one magic attack ,three speed and two health .It has snipe ability. I choose this card in the battle because it has magic attack with snipe ability.

Venari Bonesmith

Venari bonesmith card costs four mana, and the card contains one magic attack, two speed and three health. The card has life leech ability. This ability is great, and I need this card for this battle.

Soul Strangler

Soul strangler costs three mana, and it has two ranged attack , two speed and two health. The card has no ability . This card costs only little mana and it also has two ranged attack. So, I choose this card for the battle.


Riftwing costs four mana, and it contains three speed and five health. It also has flying and scavenger ability. I choose this card for the battle because of scavenger ability.

Carrion Shade

Carrion shade card costs one mana and the card contains one melee attack, two speed and two health. It has no ability. I just choose this card to fill the mana cap.

Round 1

In this battle, I used drake of arnak summoner. Behind this summoner, I placed cursed windeku, death elemental, venari bonesmith, soul strangler. riftwing and carrion shade.

The enemy team used thaddius brood summoner. Behind this summoner, enemy team placed harklaw, sand worm,shadowy presence and soul strangler.

The cards start to attack each other in this round.Venari bonesmith increased one health after attacking the enemy card.

Round 2

The cards continue to attack and sand worm from enemy team eliminates carrion shade. After that, riftwing increased one health.

Round 3

In round 3 , soul strangler from enemy team eliminates cursed windeku. I lose one of the good cards in my team.

Round 4

In this round, death elemental eliminates harklaw. Then, death elemental is eliminated by the attack of soul strangler.

Round 5

Venari bonesmith and soul strangler eliminate sand worm, and the enemy team only left two cards.

Round 6

Venari bonesmith eliminates shadowy presence, and soul strangler eliminates soul strangler from the enemy team. Finally, I can eliminate all the enemy cards and won this battle.

  • Dragon summoner is a good card to uses in battles. I like that it can be used with any splinter and it gives one armor to all the cards in the team.

Battle Link


