The Great Coruniholio!

I am the Great CoRUNIholio! I need CP!

The Great Coruniholio.PNG

The Great Coruniholio was born on October 25th with an ol' malachite dagger and natty gambler headwear.

If you think looks a little mismatched, it may be because he is sporting an old school rocker hat, fantasy jacket, and an old-man-who's-just-seen-boobies face. Let's not forget the cat's eye, peaking out of his chest, staring at his pickle-of-death blade!

All that aside, he's pretty rare on balance. His "cornivore" head is one of only 6 right now. At this point in the mint, he actually has three traits that are sub-1%. So, he may be bringing the weird, but he's doing it in style(s)!

