SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! -- Lone Boatman


Loan Boatman is a card that i rarely use, very very rare
of course i use lvl 1 deck which means this monster is not so strong at this lvl
if the card gets upgraded it gets some really interesting abilities and in lvl 10 acquires the shatter ability which destroys the rival monster's armor (if it has one)
we shouldn't fool ourselves this ability can change the whole game


so you see the Lone Boatman is not so lonesome in reality, he always brings his boat to the battle and if you get him angry, you will get a boat on your battlefield destroying every defense of yours
it is a common range attack monster with a very special ability
he is a sniper
and as a sniper he gets all support range and magic attack monsters under his fury!
make no mistake he is not weak, even on lvl 1 he has 2 points of attack
the main disadvantage of him though is that he is costly mana speaking
in order to use him you need to spend 5 mana points so for me it doesn't worth to consume this mana for the result i'm expecting to get form him
this is the main reason i'm not using him a lot
but in some battles as the one i'm about to describe , the Boatman is more than welcome to get on board!
let's go straight to his stats to know him better!



you can click on the following link to see my battle in which i used the Lone Boatman
...Loan Boatman's battle...


the battle i'm about to tell you is one of my BEST battles ever
i encourage you to watch this battle you're gonna enjoyed it a lot and learn at the same time
even if you don't wanna read this boring post please spend some time and go to watch the battle
this fight is a true jewel and i'm happy that through the weekly battle challenge i get the opportunity to share it with you

first of all, i was fighting with a much stronger opponent
my deck was lvl 1, his deck was an average lvl 3 most of his monsters were lvl 4
great difficulty , it was not an easy battle
when i checked on my rival just before the game start i understood immediately i was going to suffer from him
his deck was way too powerful for my level
so i had to play smart, i had to find a way to overcome his power with strategy
the battle rules was a bit in my favor i suppose...99 mana cap...Equalizer (which means all monsters get the life points of the highest life point monster on the battlefield) i actually steal his upgraded life points by this rule and Noxious Fumes( which means all the monsters start the battle poisoned! )

i didn't want to go in battle with a common strategy
i knew that if i was going to follow this gameplay i had no chance
so i went unorthodox ..
i said i'm gonna target his second line and all his support monsters
if i wanna have a chance to win this opponent i must go in a way he doesn't expect to deal with
what i did was to select the Life Splinter and get as much snipers as i could
risky method, very risky
i needed a tremendus tank to hold the lines as much as it could plus a monster that could support the tank
the 99 mana cap offered me a variety of options so here was the deal

chanseous 200.jpg

i chose Chanseus The Great as a summoner, this card is not mined
it is leased to me by @koskl and i thank him for this
is select this summoner cause i needed the resurrection ability of his to support my tank
most probably i was going to lose my tank so i wanted it back to life
this is the main reason i select Chanseus plus of course his other abilities which would support the other monsters


as a tank i select the one and only Shieldbearer with his taunt ability he would absorb all enemy's attack power so the other monsters of mine would stay safe from losing life points
don't forget my summoner who was ready to resurrect Shieldbearer
in the second place i chose High Priest Darius ,i chose this monster again to offer support to my tank
Darus has the resurrection ability so i could resurrent my tank twice!!!!
that's what i call a support to my tank, bring ShieldBearer two times back in life i believed would make a difference in the game
and it did
in the following 3 positions i placed 3 snipers, 3rd position the Shilvershield Sheriff, 4th position the Lone Boatman and 5th position Mantoid
with a total attack force of 7 units i was aiming to destroy my opponent's back line and win the battle
i was really anxious to see if this strategy would bear fruits to my fight
in the last position i chose Evangelist another range attack monster with massive attack force from lvl 1
the battle begun
at the beginning i was a bit unlucky but as the time was passing by my strategy proved to be correct

  • ShieldBearer lvl 1
  • High Priest Darius lvl 1
  • Silvershield Sheriff lvl 1
  • Lone Boatman lvl 1
  • Mantoid lvl 1
  • Evangelist lvl 1

darius130.jpg | sheriff130.jpg | boatman130.jpg |MANTOID 130.jpg | evangelist130.jpg



a battle to be remembered
i won just for 1 hit, all monsters started the battled poisoned and this was that eventually gave me the win
if it was not for this rule i would have lost
everything helped me win, strategy, rules, luck
spend some time to watch the battle, it is worth watching!
i won 70 points! and 9 DEC , but the most important, i enjoyed every second of it!


Get on board by clicking this link it is never too late to start playing



Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Yeah, He is not alone always bring his boat.


this card is a true beast when it gets upgraded,but even in lvl 1 does the job!

Posted via D.Buzz
