Farewell to Gold Foil Gladiators: A Splinterlands Odyssey

Gladiator Burn.png

In the dynamic realm of Splinterlands, decisions carry weight, and strategies shape destinies. A recent choice made by one adventurer echoes the evolving landscape of the game—a decision to bid farewell to a collection of Gold Foil Gladiator cards, a symbolic journey into the heart of innovation and community within the Web3 space.

The Town Hall Revelation

The genesis of this decision lies in the revelations shared during a Town Hall session. The Splinterlands team unveiled a pivotal announcement—Gold Foil Gladiator cards would no longer be burnable for DEC in the future. For the discerning adventurer, this proclamation prompted a reconsideration of strategies and a contemplation of the cards' destiny.

A Deliberate Decision-Making Process

The adventurer had long contemplated the fate of these Gold Foil Gladiator cards. While a glimmer of hope lingered for potential use on land, the evolving roadmap indicated otherwise. With the prospect of burning for DEC fading away and the alternative of converting them into merits seeming less appealing, a deliberate decision-making process ensued.

Burning for Merits or DEC Expansion?

As the adventurer weighed the options—burning for merits or expanding the DEC treasury for land endeavors—the scales tipped decisively. The need for DEC expansion to fuel land usage and strategic advancements took precedence. The decision to burn Gold Foil Gladiators became a logical step toward fortifying future endeavors.

The Significance of the Decision

The act of burning Gold Foil Gladiator cards transcended a mere in-game transaction; it represented the culmination of experiences, the realization of value, and the embrace of change. The decision, resulting in over $300 worth of DEC, underscored the tangible returns and rewards that participation in a game with a vibrant community and innovative ethos can yield.

A Nostalgic Glimpse into Web3 Innovation

The journey into the heart of Splinterlands, marked by the burning of Gold Foil Gladiator cards, offered a nostalgic glimpse into the excitement of Web3 innovation. The interconnectedness of decisions, community, and the evolving landscape showcased the dynamic nature of the space. In conclusion, bidding farewell to Gold Foil Gladiator cards in Splinterlands is more than a strategic move; it is a testament to the evolving narrative of the game and the broader Web3 community. The decision, rooted in careful consideration, reflects the adventurer's commitment to embracing change and steering toward future successes.

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Gold Foil Gladiator cards would no longer be burnable for DEC in the future

Wow, I missed that! I already burned most of my GF gladiators, but I'd better burn whatever I collected in the meantime as well.


As someone who plays in Gold Foil brawl frays and competes in all available Gold Foil tournaments, seeing all these GF gladiators get burned for DEC makes me so sad. 😭😭😭😭


I can imagine! Will start collecting them all over again soon enough!
