Battle Mage Secrets: Counterspell


Copy of Share YOur Battle (2).png


I'm here to share my Battle Mage Secrets blog post for the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. The theme featured this week is Counterspell. In this ruleset, magic damage is reflected because all monsters will have the magic reflect ability. I will be sharing some strategies that are good to use in this ruleset as well as feature one of my battles under this ruleset.


Strategy For Counterspell

In Countespell ruleset, usually you want to focus on playing melee or ranged teams. It wouldn't make sense to play magic as you would be killing yourself unless there's some special magic cards like Revealer that has reflection shield. Usually if it's a low mana battle, you can play water sneak or life sneak. If the mana's a bit higher you probably want to include some strong ranged monsters like supply runner. Ideally in this ruleset, some summoners I feel that are strong are Quix, Kelya, Tarsa, Jacek, etc. Another strategy you can do is coming out and surprising your opponent with Immortalis and play magic. The void shield Immortalis gives to whole team usually will make the magic reflect do 0 damage. I know I said not to play magic but this is one of the few exceptions.


The Battle

I played this battle on my account, shawnnft. The battle link can be found here. This battle is in Tier 3 brawls. I was playing Fray 12 which is wild Diamond. The ruleset for this battle was Armored Up, Counterspell, and Aimless. It was a 53 mana cap battle with only life and death element available.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner, Grandmaster Rathe - I chose GM Rathe because of the armored up ruleset. I thought I could mix some unexpected magic damage to go through the armor even though there was counterspell the armor could block the magic reflect damage.

First Position, Uriel The Purifier - I chose Uriel because it's a solid frontline tank that has flying and heal. Only downside is the recharge but aside from that it has good armor and good health and when he attacks, he deals big damage.

Second Position, Marisol Contuma - I chose Marisol Contuma to be my secondary tank as well as melee damage with reach. As mentioned before you want to play more melee and ranged monsters in counterspell ruleset and this was probably the best melee reach I had available for life element.

Third Position, Adelade Brightwing - The purpose of this card was to do my idea of mixing magic damage into the fight since the opponent wouldn't expect it. Also it has great abilities like resurrect and armor repair that can be annoying and give my team the sustain to win the battle.

Fourth Position, Pelacor Arbalest - The purpose of this card was to do ranged damage. It does huge range damage since it can attack twice; this is basically 6 damage per turn which is huge.

Fifth Position, Prismologist - The main purpose for Prismologist was to cover against sneak monsters with 5 damage or higher. It also does good blast damage which paired with aimless could get some good splash damage and help remove the armor.

Final Position, Dr Blight - Dr Blight was my finisher. This card is a beast even at level 3. The scavenger, affliction and poison makes it's a solid 1v1 for the final battle. This was also my magic damage to sneak through the armor


Analysis of The Battle

I got completely destroyed this battle. My opponent played a super solid lineup. My opponent played probably the strongest team possible in this ruleset I think. I feel like this could have been a battle helper; I could be wrong but this lineup was super strong and I knew I lost when I saw it. I didn't have the same cards available and only played with what I had so I don't think I could have done any better. As you can see, he mostly played range which is what I advised for this ruleset in counterspell. He also had good speed with Lux Vega and the buffs from Supply Runner and Lira the Dark which allowed him to basically attack and kill my whole team before I had a chance to even play.

Usually I share battles I won but this opponent played such a great team I couldn't help but share this battle to showcase his lineup.


Do I Like Counterspell Ruleset?

Yes, I actually like the Counterspell ruleset. It gives a chance for melee and ranged monsters to shine. I know a love of people love to spam magic and this won't let them spam it as they wish!

Anyways that's all for me this week. Hope to see you again for next week's Battle Mage Secrets!


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new!

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



Photo Banner thumbnail made using Canva which I did use the battle mage secrets thumbnail post into my image
Other photo are screenshots from Splinterland in game


I think tank monster with shield ability is needed for counterspell ruleset, shawn, since most of monsters in the battlefield would be ranged attack monsters :)


Hmmmm yes that's a good ability for counter spell . I think not many options for this cause of the elements allowed. Not many shield cards probably only harklaw and chaos knight. I didn't rent death cuz too expensive 😵 so I would prob be only able to use chaos knight


Wow, those "death" team archers have a lot of health.


Yes they had strong team I losto this battle :(
