Quest potion. Is it worth the money? 4.8 day 6


Today i got the earth quest. Earth is my stronger deck and i thought this gonna be easy.
Sadly it didnt end well. Im silver III league player and i belive that im not a "bad player". The thing is that almost every battle i was against some high lvl or legendary summoner\monster (this cursed *** lama became pretty common this days).

Im starting to think that i should stay at bronze next season. I know the dec profit isnt good, but i will probably win most of the battle and with win streak i could profit even more (right now at silver im losing lot of erc for nothing).

On the other hand at silver i getting extra chest each day for the daily quest... I don't know i need to calculate all those things... if ill do ill post about that...

Today reward wasnt bad as yesterday but it isnt good either:

Overall so far:

This quest potion experiment is still young and im not losing my hopes yet! good days will come!

