
Some monsters have both low health and low mana points. However, this does not imply that it lacks combat abilities. If the battle is suitable, this monster can easily win.

In this post, I'll discuss the battle in low mana. where we must be picky about which monsters join the combat team. We take advantage of this by applying the equalizer rule.

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MOXIAN REBEL is a card that is frequently used in low-mana battles. Because mana points of 4 points can be combined with small monsters to create a strong monster lineup.

Initial weapon training skills at the first level are extremely useful. The camouflage ability will cause MOXIAN REBEL to hide until she is in first position. At level 7, the magical ability will increase to two attack points.

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In the battle below, we will see how to exploit a line of monsters with low mana and health points.

A fight with 16 mana points combined with fighting rules, specifically an equalizer, requires fighters to carefully consider their strategy. The most effective strategy in equalizer rules is to enter as many fighters as possible. Because all health points will be equal, the combat team will be stronger with more personnel.

In the battle, I had 5 monsters with mana points ranging from 1 to 2. To avoid the explosion effect, I placed KINJO VENATOR in the second row, behind MYCELIC MORPHOID. The next step was using CREEPING OOZE, which only required one mana point. I also used MOXIAN REBEL, who is skilled in weapon training. Moreover, I used CLOCKWORK AIDE as a barrier against sneak monsters, which has a shield.

With this lineup of monsters, the maximum health level was 4 health points. The opponent relied on melee attacks and attacked 5 of my monsters.

Installing a monster with opportunity abilities confuses the monster. And, of course, it will attack the monster in the first position, which is the first drop in health. I installed a monster with a magical ability and two attack points. It is also profitable, with a maximum health point count of only four.

And, with magic attacks constantly attacking from the front, I can maximize monsters with low health points by including MOXIAN REBEL as a magic attack provider.

You can click the following link to view more comprehensive details of the fight:


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MOXIAN REBEL, with a mana point of 4, is ideal for use in low mana battles. The disadvantage of this monster is that it has very few health points. However, if it is used in a battle with equalizer rules, it becomes an advantage in itself, as it increases health points.

However, if you fight under normal rules, MOXIAN REBEL will become a target for monsters with opportunity abilities. To survive, it is best to upgrade to the highest level, which includes camouflage capabilities.

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