Wrestling AMA


Wrestling AMA

Hello everyone, today I will be talking about the upcoming event that @wrestorgonline is organizing next Tuesday, the 14th of November. It's hosted in the WOO discord at 8.30 am. As you can see on above image, two legendary wrestlers accompanied by a legendary manager will be present: Perry Saturn, Justin Credible and Sonny Onnoo. As you probably already know by now, these are all partnered wrestlers of Wrestling Organization Online. This means that they receive the earnings from their sale and part of the transaction fees of their NFT's. As all these partners have been legendary NFT's, their price is according as well!

Advantages of irl partners

In my opinion utilizing some irl partners is a good strategy for a blockchain project as it gives credibility to that project. Ofcourse there are different aspects in play when talking about the credibility of a project but having some irl links is definitely a good reason. Especially if you see how our ceo Bookerman is coming along with these partners. Building a partnership is one thing but having fun while doing so is another. On the pictures of the passed events, you cn really see that they are having fun, which is great!

Besides the credibility aspect, it's also an ice-breaker at irl events. Imagine that you're visiting some conferences at crypto with hundreds of booths. You just walk around and suddenly you see one od your favorite wrestlers at the WOO booth, ofcourse you'll go there to have a look, have a talk and probably take a selfie with the founder of the selfies himself: Sonny Onnoo.


Having some irl partners has several advantages for a blockchain game like WOO. Next Tuesday you can ask everything to any of above mentioned wrestling legends so definitely visit the WOO discord. As I already know Bookerman a bit, I'm sure there will be some goodies handed out! ;)


What is WOO?

WOO, aka Wrestling Organization Online is an upcoming play2earn game on the Hive blockchain about wrestling. They aim to bring back territory wrestling, where the wrestlers are tradeable nft's. The launch for the game is aimed to be in Q3 of 2023. To be able to launch, they already sold out 60k WOOalpha packs through various sales through 2022. Their WOOAlpha general sale sold out in 99seconds! Besides the wrestlers and managers which could been found in the card packs, they also need cities (often called land plots, but in WOO, we talk about cities). For more information about the ongoing city sale, check out: https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@wrestorgonline/complete-woo-land-buying-guide

A lot could be said about WOO, to get more information about WOO in general, check out the posts of @wrestorgonline and make sure to join their discord: https://discord.gg/woogame




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