SPLINTERLANDS: Quest for 10月7日



I started playing SteemMonsters with my original STEEM account, @teachinthai, back in December 2018. Since I am a teacher and fluent in Thai language, I thought I could blog about learning things with both English and Thai. It's still a good idea, but sadly there just isn't enough of a community there yet, so I just post in English now. I still play both my accounts in SPLINTERLANDS though. Even though I'll only play @teachinthai until ranked 100+, sometimes one of the five season reward cards turns up gold.


Only my FIRE and DRAGON summoners are MAXed on this account. This usually works out because the game allows and chooses these splinters often. I used to have all splinters MAXed, but then covid-1984 came along. Today I drew a LIFE quest and was hoping for a DRAGON quest or a no neutral quest after requesting a new one and got DEATH.


I only had about 3,000 DEC which wasn't enough to level up my DEATH summoner, but was enough to roll the dice and maybe get lucky by purchasing a deck.


I know I should buy more UNTAMED decks to increase my airdrop potential, but I love these new ones too.




Come on baby, give me something good...


I got some new cards I've never seen before, but nothing valuable enough to burn or sell for my needed DEATH summoner upgrade. It looks like I'm going to have to grudge through this quest with my level 2 summoner.


OWSTER ROTWELL is a summoner card worth upgrading because it gives all DEATH and NEUTRAL cards the ability to send that magic right back where it came from.

Owster is one of the only living souls allowed to tournament summon for the Dark Eternals. He was discovered years ago in a Mount Mox cave by the Lord of Darkness, and is entirely unwilling to leave the shelter of the mountain. The Dark Lord, convinced that Owster would make a powerful death summoner, spent vast resources providing a remote Dark Eternal education to the boy. Now that he is a man, Owster Rotwell represents the Dark Lord's eyes and ears at Mount Mox, from whose grounds he never moves.


After a rough road of defeats, I finally won with DEATH five times and was eager to open my prize.


Gold please...


Nothing, nothing, and what's this?


I tried to screenshot some lightning, but it's fast.


More nothing :(


It's OK. I won this gold card yesterday which I tried to sell for $16, then was undercut, so I lowered the price to $15. I can do this all day. I don't care. Lower the price more. I'll just change it so my name is on top again or I'll forget all about this sale and be surprised by my huge increase in DEC one day.


Thanks for reading about my quest today. If you've read this to the end, leave a comment. I'll check out your SPLINTERLANDS deck and send a monster gift that I think you'll like or need. My GUILD, the MANDALORIANS, has two openings if you'd like to join and earn 4% bonus DEC with every victory. Just comment and I'll send you an invite.
