Splinterlands Riftwatchers | 6 days to make a decent decision


NFTs and games and buying cards. More of a mental kind of investment versus than one for the numbers is my expectation. Splinterlands will be releasing a new card set with limited card editions and as we know and loooove limited card edition, my emotions say I want to have these!

The question is more, up until what price do I want to have them?

Cards: 43 cards in total, 13 common, 12 rare, 6 epic (Summoners), and 12 legendary (including 5 airdrops, not including the limited edition promo card)
Pricing: $5.00 USD worth of SPS (at current external market pricing) + 1 VOUCHER

This is the current situation what we are talking about. A large percentage of these legendary cards are coming from the airdrops. In the previous pre sale I managed to get 4 Dr Blights in the time, which I honestly never use in the game but have contineously given me rental rewards and in the time when SPS was dropped it also gave additional SPS rewards because a legendary cards.

After this one I didn't receive that many air drop cards from the sale anymore, because I had only 115 packs which were eligible for the drops. So was that worth it?

SPS and voucher

We have to take a closer look at the current price of SPS and VOUCHER to see what makes sense.

Starting with voucher which you need 1 additional per back you want to buy. In the previous edition this killed me because voucher was going for like $20 per piece at that moment. Ouch.... But now:

You can see voucher is going at a price of around 1.8 Hive per voucher which is a nice close to the $1 to calculate with.

Let's have a look at SPS then:

The price ofcourse had some quircks around the announcement of that these Riftwatchers gems would show up but quickly returned to the initial price of around 0.12 SPS per Hive. At the current price of $0.56 for a Hive this is $0.067 per SPS.

Buying a pack with SPS ,*which is the only way to get these Riftwatchers packs (did you realize that) this means that you need 74 SPS per a pack of $5 Riftwatchers

When the price of SPS rises (which I expect for the upcoming weer), you will need less per pack ofcourse

So what did I get from all of these airdrops in the past?

Over the last couple of months I have received SPS and voucher on the daily. I have sold some and I have kept some, but I am just a small Splinterlands player so all of this is not really significant compared to the people who are and were paying their mortages with everything that happened last year.

At this moment I still have around 2000 SPS staked and about 900 SPS liquid. 900 would give me around 12 packs of Riftwatchers. Also when I look at my vouchers stack this is between 11 and 12 pieces.

All not a lot but enough to get a bit of the taste of these gems packs.

If you ask me today if think I will only go for the packs which I can afford like this...But know what kind of brainfart will come up. Some nice post rewards, I have some liquid Hive. In other editions I also got cards from these limited editions and those had never proven me wrong. And who knows maybe in the light of Hive fest later in the week I will just go for it.

We shall see, but at least 10 packs should be possible right? As a collectors item ;)


limited card editions

Like the rare cards with a circulating supply of more than 300 000 cards? :-D


Its all in perspective of the amount of players right?

Well if I look at where I got the SPS and vouchers from, this was all for free, so why not use for something.
I always think about the goldfoil minotaur warlord I pulled from the Orbs set which was worth 25K last year and I sold for 180 bucks two year before...I think about it hahahah


Could also be an option to sell your SPS and Voucher during the hot phase of the pre-sale and pick the cards you really need later on with the revenue you made. Question is: can you stand the Fomo 😉


This is for sure a very good option indeed. You will miss the first airdrop then but still have the cards afterwards

Fomo is a challenge ej, Im not sure as yet!
(I just put in my SPS into a diesel pool to see if I can get more from it. So trade and I get your fees hahahah)


Yeah. I have nowhere near enough. Push & shove!!! Lol
