Giant Squid, an atypical card for me...



Monday is always a beautiful day, thinking of the wonderful world of Splinterlands, as the paper object of the contest is chosen, this time the chosen subject was Giant Squid, a Rare Water Element Card...

Already belonging to this specific element is a positive fact, I vaguely remembered this card, I say vaguely because I had obtained one after opening an Essence Orb a few days ago, but I had not yet used it, the reason was quite simple...


The competition of the other Water Element cards is very strong, as I have the Summoner Alric Stormbringer at the 5th level, so he already has a good number of cards from the 4th level up, ** Giant Squid** at 1st level is a very normal card, as it has a firepower equal to 2 units, a protection limited to 1, a small armor of 1 unit and 4 lives, definitely scarce...

I looked better at the table, I made a hit of accounts, and in the end I decided to bring it to the 4th level, with less than 1 dollar the operation was possible, crossing some DEC and some fractions of cryptocurrency, not that has become a resolutive card, but at least the protection level has risen to 2 and the lives have risen to 5 units, but now it also has an ability, which I have renamed cap...

What is this skill ?? In reality it is called "Blind", that is "all enemy Melee and Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target", so a little appeal now actually possessed it...

And then there was nothing left to do but make it debut in an official battle, and I chose the following formation...


Serpent of Eld, Giant Squid, Sabre Shark, Crustacean King, Albatross e Water Elemental

It was a game to play only with odd Mana cards, a mode that is not very congenial to me, in fact I thought a bit before putting in first position...


Serpent of Eld

It's upgraded to 3rd level, I remember it was a card in this contest a few weeks ago, I left it at 3rd level because at that time the Summoner Alric Stormibringer was at that level, honestly I could also upgrade it to the 5th level, because it increases its future dynamism enough...

In 2nd position I placed the queen card of this contest, Giant Squid, while in 3rd place I inserted...


Sabre Shark

I have underestimated this card for a long time, but I must say that I really like it, it is one of my absolute favorites, because it is very dynamic, attacking diagonally, with a firepower of 3 units, being a common card and having brought it up to the 6th level...


Crustacean King

Needless to deny it, which I just mentioned in this week's post about the Splinterlands Challange, is one of my possible dreams in the drawer, which sooner or later I will crown, seeing it at 6th level will help make my formations even more performing at the moment current is stopped at 4th level, but every now and then I am buying a card, realistically within this month I want to hit this target...




Another card I had in mind to level up, just today I decided to do it, now it is at 6th level, also associated with Crustacean King, it is a Common Card that heals the attacker in 1 ° position, restoring a portion of his lives...


Water Elemental

It's a bit of one of my thorns in the side, in the sense that it continues to use it, often in the last position as in this specific fight, but I always have in mind the idea of ​​increasing it in level, even if I am not crazy about the upgrades which he gets by leveling it up.

As I saw the opposing formation, I immediately understood that I would have had a relatively easy life and I would have won the battle without major problems, my contender had all the cards at 1st level, in these cases to lose the clash I have to field a formation disastrous, associated with my opponent's perfect disposition, but I don't want to reveal other details, you can see how the game actually went by clicking on this link...

I sincerely thank Splinterlands for several reasons for these wonderful opportunities that it offers us, and if any of you are not yet registered in this game I recommend with increasing determination and pleasure, this is my affiliate code...

If you want to participate in this very valid contest, here is the link to access it...


Bravo @mad-runner sempre sul pezzo ti do un tipu anch'io anche se non so cosa sono hahaha quindi facciamo una



Ero convinto di averti già risposto, invece come al solito ho avuto un attacco di rincoglionite, grave malattia che affligge i rimbambiti!!

Cerco di fare del mio meglio, a volte riesce decentemente, a volte un po' meno, grazie mille del tuo commento...

P.S.: tipu è un comando che possono dare i curatori che vennero nominati un po' di tempo fa, di cui io faccio parte, purtroppo se non ricordo male hanno chiuso da tempo nuovi accessi...


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