FORGE Liquidity Pool Rewards Start Next Week!

FORGE-DEC Rewards Distribution Dates has announced that the FORGE-DEC liquidity pool (LP) rewards distribution will begin on February 1st, 2023!

The FORGE-DEC pool can be found on TribalDex. The rewards distribution will last for a total of 730 days.

Daily Rewards Distribution Chart

The chart below shows how plans to distribute FORGE rewards. The distribution starts out small and builds up over the first year, at which point it reaches maximum daily distribution.

Here is an explanation from the discord announcement posted by the founders @rarelyhere and @rareraptor.

You may wonder why we are going to do it this way but the reasons are simple and straightforward.

  1. By starting small we prevent the high initial ROA that causes extreme FOMO and wild price jumps at the start. This has always been bad for the community members by attracting short term pump and dump investors who have no interest in the game or investing long term.

  2. It rewards long term investors with a more consistent daily reward over the long term and should attract those types of investors.

  3. By the time it reaches max daily distribution it will be more than if we just dumped all the reward tokens in at the start.


If you want to stay up-to-date on news, please follow our SplinterForge PeakD Community. If you're blogging about, please tag @rareraptor or @unitmaster so we can re-blog your content.

You can also join the discord server to interact with the community of players, the founders, and to get the latest announcements on the game development.
