X The Everything App Is It Great Or Not?

Today I want to go over the big news of Twitter now being called X!
The bird is gone and has been replaced with a X. First impressions of this would be BAD why take something that was doing well and replace it with a boring X. There's so many things with X the X files, project X and countless other projects so on that sense of things it just feels like a bad idea right?

Until you peal away some more layers and realized the X is a payment provider that Elon launched years ago which is now Paypal. If he still has X.com domain this could be a huge power play in terms of building his grand vision of "The Everything App"

What Is The Everything App?

The idea of the everything apps is a single platform or app that does everything. Its used for social, payment, banking and messaging along with anything else you might do online now such as crypto, nfts, gaming etc. It could also be video, podcast audio and more all under one roof and in a way Twitter has already expanded into this.

Are There Already Examples of This?

There are to an extent such as Facebook which runs much more than just Facebook it has live streaming, social and built in payments. I tired a number of times to expand outside of this but failed and ended up keeping separate apps such as Instagram.

The other biggest example of this already is WeChat owned and operated in communist China it's the single application that does Instagram, PayPal and other services from a single app.

I wrote about this a few weeks ago and want to say it again. Within my lifetime the entire world may shift away from governments and instead into the hands of corporations and we are seeing this become a thing more and more with large application bases such as this.

The Negatives

Being in business for a very large part of my life there are a few things I've come to realize. Trying to do everything as a company is hard and often times it doesn't work. Expenses get crazy and the company has to downsize and reshift to the things making them real profits.

I've seen this happen with many companies but perhaps when a company has seamlessly endless funds and is well managed much like we saw when Elon stepped in and fired a bunch of worthless people, jobs and lunches it makes you think that perhaps this can be pulled off.

One of the biggest issues with creating an everything app as a smaller company is when updates go live. A new feature here or a bug fix there normally always ends up breaking two things somewhere else. It's a constant battle of trying to get everything to play nice with each other and also expending resources on features that most likely aren't needed or really don't contribute any type of revenue or real value to users or the company thus creating a sink. Throw in too many of these and you're company or app is now bleeding expenses while still trying to fix everything up.

This is often why applications are built separate and also the reason because people enjoy other applications. For example in social media management you'll notice that groups of people interact on one platform and dislike another. Reddit users normally stick to reddit and don't use Facebook or Instagram. Facebook users most likely only use Facebook and maybe Instagram. But you'll notice that each person has a select few social apps they actully use and that's mainly because of the communities they like interacting with on there the most.

Posting the same content across all platforms is a great way to experience this. While a post about crypto might do great on twitter it will most likely catch the cancel culture on Facebook and Instagram.

Is The Everything App A Good Idea?

In my personally opinion after years of working and building companies it would come out as a resounding no. At least for a smaller start up company. It's better to get niched, get raving fans and users and then build from that with other applications and then maybe connect it all together in some way.

However Elon has tons of funds, good workers and has a history of keeping the business efficient. With those things going for him he very well might pull off the largest ever everything app.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Great post @bitcoinflood
I am not a support of this new branding until i witness the qualities this everything app posses.

The idea of rebranding the name, logo, etc of a app that has gain popularity might just end up leaving it users in a state of confusion.


It was for sure a weird move but depending on how fast he launches the other applications will tell if it was a smart move or not. It's gotta be quick and it's gotta be spaced out marketing wise over the rest of this year.


I could say Leo Finance is moving towards the same path…


yep, and I'm not sure it's going to work well for a smaller company.


The possible features of X, everything app, sounds cool for me and still kinda excited about it. However, thinking that “Twitter” will be gone now sounds a no-no to me.


I agree with you, this is a step towards payment processing and a western style We Chat.

Many mourn the bird and dislike the X.
I think its an attention economy and Elon is very good at garnering attention.

Lastly I think actually producing an everything app is quite the endeaver. I wish Elon good luck.
