SplinterGlossary: Land Resources and Updating Some Terminology


This is the weekly update on the progress of SplinterGlossary.

What Is SplinterGlossary?

SplinterGlossary is that section of LeoGlossary that defines a glossary of inter-linked terms and definitions for Splinterlands and other gaming terms. LeoGlossary is focused on financial, general crypto, but also including Hive and Leofinance terms and definitions, banking terms, insurance terms, and a series of specific lists.

Numbers of the Week

New definitions: 4

Additional updated definitions/lists/indexes: 8

Small updates to the Top Hive Games superpage.

Some Details

There are many updates and new definitions needed for land. The problem is I felt a bit overwhelmed for a while. Land 1.5 whitepaper alone is 30+ pages long. And the whitepaper for Land 2.0 will be much longer.

And that either adds a lot to or changes some of the existing information in the glossary about land. It's a lot to follow, break and link into different logic.

The whitepaper is (or will be) linked to every land-related definition post, so people can consult it directly if they want to research into Land Expansion. I don't want to go as deep with explanations on every topic. After checking the land discussions on discord, I realize only a small category of the land-involved players/investors actually take the time to do the research.

This is where ChatGPT would prove a useful tool. If I could feed it the entire Land 1.5 whitepaper, plus previous information on the topic, it could write some nice definitions for the glossary. Of course, I'd need to check them, you never know what stupid things it would answer (plus, I'd have to add links manually). But still, I don't know how to feed it so much information.

Anyway, let's see what I managed to work on this week.

I changed Land Rarities definition, adding information that became available with the new whitepaper.

I also needed to change the terms used for rarities. While initially fertile, abundant, and overflowing terms were used to denote different rarities for land, with the Land 1.5 whitepaper we are back to the terms used for cards too: common, rare, epic, and legendary. A couple of definitions needed to be updated to reflect that.

Finally, I added definitions for the 4 natural resources:

And with that I updated other definitions where they are present, among which, these are the most important:

I think next week I'll have more definitions updated, now that I have a picture of where we are compared to new information for land.

My initial focus will be on updating, then we will see what needs to the added.

Ah, I almost forgot, I added a mention to the new game from the Splex team (Golem Overlord) to the Top Hive Games page, but since it's very new, I didn't consider it necessary to add an entire section for it.

Plans for the Future

Focus on land will likely continue because there are more things to add/update. As always, Splinterlands weekly updates take precedence, or I will lose track of them.

Final Words

Remember that the success or not of this project depends a lot on the contribution of others. When you use terms defined in SplinterGlossary in your Splinterlands/gaming posts, it would be great if you'd link them to those definition posts.

Also, if you notice something wrong with any defined terms, please let me know in these weekly updates.

Image source: 1

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Chat GPT can put out some really stupid stuff at times! Thanks for tackling such a huge and overwhelming project!


Thanks for tackling such a huge and overwhelming project!

Yep, it's growing bigger and bigger. And the hardest part is not adding to it, but keeping it up to date. Plus, these are not pages I can modify if terminology changes. I need to create a different post if the title of the post (the term) changes. Maybe I won't have to create a new post in these cases after May 1st, I saw on the new Leofinance post-editing interface I'll be able to change the permalink (important for search engines).

Chat GPT can put out some really stupid stuff at times!

Yep, I've seen some cases.


ChatGPT can be very crazy at times
Well, the step taken was a good one


I haven't used ChatGPT yet for SplinterGlossary. I don't know how to feed it the huge amount of information required for it to create an entry for each term. Plus, some information is contradictory or evolved over time, and I doubt it knows how to handle that, other than to confuse the reader by stating both versions, the correct and incorrect ones. Even I have to backtrack and introduce clarity where changes happened since the time the definition was last edited posted.


There are a lot of updates and I definitely think the land will take a while. Maybe you should just build the general framework and update it after the next land update since it will be coming in a few days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The next maintenance window won't bring many changes for land (I think). Big changes will come with the Land 2.0 whitepaper. That's expected at the end of Q2.


Thank you for consistently updating


Thanks for checking it out and hopefully using it.


Thanks @gadrian
I looked at most of the definitions.
It's interesting. I love learning about the land, my mom was a geologist, and I got good grades in survey of geology. I don't think I took anymore than that at college for geology.
Barb 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


While the Land expansion game seems more compatible with what's going on in the real world, there will still be differences, I'm sure of that. I'm glad you like it so far.
