splinterlands daily swear fest -


starting points 2718 - endong points 2739

trying a few early matches to catch up from yesterdays loss - still fucking losing my ass

another 100 fucking points pissed away

i was in diamond 3 yeasterday - now i'm 200 fucking points away - fucking bullshit

well, i got a decent 7 win streak - almost back to diamond 3 - recapture rate ruined LOL - gotta take a break

Woot !!! - death for the daily , although i did get my ass kicked with dragons yeserday - well, let's see how much swearing i do today

aaannnddd lets start by losing the first low mana bullshit match

perfectly good run ruined - im down here at 2700ish and get hit with level 8's at 3000ish - i hat it when i screwed like that

motherfucker - win 1 aaaaand it happend again - fucking level 8's beat my ass back into fucking gold

goddammmit - one fucking match from getting the daily and all the fucking level 8's show up at once - every goddamn day

are you fucking kidding me - it's like a fucking repeat of yeasterday -

i was in diamond 3 with one match left - BAM, now all of a fucking sudden i'm 100 fucking points away WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS GOING ON !!!

i thought if i took a break it would change - nope, fuck no - losing streak continues

well fuck it - taking the daily 100 fucking points down before i fucking lose more

at least i got a couple ok cards for the day

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