Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Going the Distance



Hi guys,

A warm welcome to my blog once again for an entry into this week's battle mage secretes contest. So this is unrelated, but I literally had to force myself to write this blog. It’s past 1 am here and even though I’ve got work in the morning I caught myself watching a movie so why not just use it to write my blog then?

So am sure I already said this was an entry to the battle mahe contest. This week we have a rather familiar Ruleset but when I looked through my recent battles I could only find a single game that had this Ruleset so why not use it?

The Ruleset for this week is going the distance. What this means is, that only units with the range attack can be used in battles. With this Ruleset you are not restricted to using summoners which have both the range and either magic or melee attack.

With the range Ruleset it’s advisable to go in for range cards which have the close range ability. For me, this was my plan but then the unfortunate part is that I have most of my close-range cards in the fire element but in this game, the fire element was handed so I couldn’t get a hold of my cards. Eventually, I had to opt for the death element since it was the next reasonable option for me.

I did have my earth element but as usual, I usually have very good magic cards with that element so I couldn’t go in for it.

So I chose the Octavia showdown meld summoner. This is a summoner which allows me to use one additional gladiator card in battle and it also subtracts all enemy monster life by 1. This is a good summoner but it has a mana of 6 which did affect me as my game mana was only 30.

This is how I lined up for battle.


The first position card was my gargoyle devil. A card which has the close-range ability and then the flying ability. It’s a good card but its only downfall is that it has just 3 health with 1 shield.

Next in line was the great porcupine which is another close-range card with no shield and just 3 health.

Next up is the daigendark hunter either 3 range attack and 4 health. It has the sneak ability which means it targets the last unit on the enemy team instead of the first.

The last card on my team is the Liza Fox. With 5 health, 4 melee and bloodlust features, this card is a go-to card. The downfall to this card is that it doesn’t have the close-range ability so choosing it will mean praying really hard that doesn’t end up being the only card left on the battlefield.

Let’s rumble.


I might have underestimated my opponent at the beginning of the battle. Let me try and explain.

You see with the way he lined up I thought he might have been in a haste and didn’t set up the team well but I was wrong. With this very Crystal Smith as his first card, I immediately thought he was gonna lose.

It didn’t take long for my card to finish off his venari marksrat. The unfortunate thing about this was that my card concentrated its attacks in his first position card, after killing it my opponent had the next rounds of attack which I didn’t have. The card I killed couldn’t even attack in the first position but the next card could.


With Liza Fox’s bloodlust feature, I was pretty excited to be the one to finish off my opponent’s venari marksrat.

After that kill, my opponent managed to kill my first position card quite easily. In the other rounds of attack, its shield was taken off leaving it exposed.


The great porcupine came into first position with its very low health and was dealt a heavy blow with my opponent’s pelacor arbalest’s first attack on it. With its second Attack, it left Daigendark Hunter almost lifeless with just one health left.

After Daigendark darks health I knew it was over for me as Liza Fox came into first position, a card which can’t attack in first position.


I lost this battle after being the first man to attack and kill. I wouldn’t blame myself much as my death range cards are not that strong and I don’t also have close range cards in that element. Anyway, it was a good game as I got to learn a few good strategies from my opponent.

This is my battle link

All unsourced images are from splinterlands.com

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