Memoir Monday week 8 : I will change my secondary school experience


If you had the chance to do it all over, what would you do differently?

Hell friends,

Is my first time joining memoir Monday and from the writing this is week 8
What actually got my attention is the question and I really wished I have another chance to change my past.

When I was 9 years old, I have already completed my primary school education so I was going to start my secondary education, my parents told me I will be staying in the hostel for my schooling at the age i had no choice, what my parents says is the final word so there was no need to argue with them, I just prepared my mind for it.


September, my parents took me and my elder sister to a boarding school,they gave us everything we needed but you know boarding school senior prefects they will always have power to take all from you....

Fast forward to my senior secondary level, I had a relationship with a boy and sincerely till today I don't know what led to it, this particular relationship gave me a bad name in secondary school, our compound master then make a rule that no body should be got with a girl after school so in my stupidity, and infatuation love I was cut and worst of it I was in my period that time, the man accused me of everything, called me names, reported me to the school authorities, brought me out in front of all the students, accused me of sleeping around with men and even when I told him we were just talking that nothing of such happened even confided with a female hostel mistress still it wasnt enough for the man, he was bend on suspending me out of school.
I was not the only girl got, but the rest ran and I was used as a scapegoat, he told me to invite my parents to school and that was when I knew my end have come because I knew my father, he will join to beat the hell out of me and my life will be a total messed, I pleaded with him sincerely the hated plead and will chase me out of the place.


Everything about school became scaring, I was always moody, didn't just know what to do, so I pleaded with the vice principal who later pardon me and I was not suspended but still everywhere in the school was my name mentioned both among senior, junior and teachers in the school still I cope in the school till the term was over.

After my waec, the said boy came professing love again and even promised married, as innocent as I was, I never understood life so I told me marriage after school and there my problem started again.

After school we lost contact for 5 years and after we started talking again this guy threatened my life and make everything about life scaring. He told me I promised to marry him and I told him at that age what did I know, we didn't have sex or do any blood covenant so let him let me be and move on with his life that I no do again. By now I'm in university so I knew what I wanted and I regretted my secondary days.


If I have the chance to go back to secondary school again, I will just mind my business, avoid drama from boys and face my studies. I will stay far away from that particular boy and will not do any secondary school boyfriend and girlfriend thing again.
