Splinterland’s Season Rewards 8/30/2019


Well, I know this is a few days late, but I am back with another seasons rewards from Splinterlands. This season’s DQ were kind of a let down, so I am hoping for better rewards. Let’s see how I did.

It looks like more duds, but I guess I can keep saving them until I can get a max of all the commons. Haha! The best one in the bunch is Divine Sorceress, so it is not a complete loss. At first I was not sure how I would like the new card flips, but I think I am kind of liking it.

My ROI this season has not been the best. I think I might try to buy a few more packs to see if I can get something good to make a little money off of. How did you all do this last season?

Thanks for reading and stopping by!
